forum + Gremlins partnership
Started by @Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

people_alt 107 followers

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

It's official! I'm very pleased to announce that has partnered with friend Services! After very strong communication (mostly gestures) over the past several years, friend Services has agreed to integrate their spectacular wordsmithery into

As of today, you can now enjoy the full friend experience we've all come to love directly from the forums. Whether you're discussing unexpected plot points with other authors or trying to roleplay as a sad cowboy in love with a turtle, the friends are now here to help inject a little joy into everything you do.

Starting tomorrow (April 2nd), the friend experience will also expand to all of your worldbuilding pages, timelines, and documents. You'll be able to enjoy the wonderful experience you're having now no matter where you go. Integrations for your email, messenger, and augmented reality goggles are also coming soon.

Of course, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s still here—I mean I'm still here and listening to all of your feedback, always trying to make the site a little better. If you want to vote to turn off these amazing features before they integrate with the rest of your notebook tomorrow, you can do so with one easy click on this page that exists. You can also voice your feedback on our Discord.

Update 1: The integration for PMs is now complete and online!

Update 2: It seems some people aren't as thrilled about the permanent friend integration as we'd hoped, so we're listening to your feedback. As a compromise, we've decided to only enable the feature permanently for anonymous reader and only anonymous reader.

As I always say, happy worldbuilding!

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

It seems some people aren't as thrilled about the permanent friend integration as we'd hoped, so we're listening to your feedback. As a compromise, we've decided to only enable the feature permanently for anonymous reader and only anonymous reader after today. Other users will see the site return to normal.

@Pickles group

It seems some people aren't as thrilled about the permanent friend integration as we'd hoped, so we're listening to your feedback. As a compromise, we've decided to only enable the feature permanently for anonymous reader and only anonymous reader after today. Other users will see the site return to normal.

This was incredibly disconcerting, i-
It also took me an incredible full thirty seconds to realize that reader wasn't just changed to pickles