forum Send Me Your Character and I'll Make an Artbreeder of them!
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Deleted user

I don't have a character page yet so here's his sheet. I'm sorry it's so long.
Name: Augmented Mobile Unit Designation #376209-UNI
Age: 21
Race: Augmented Mobile Unit (Technologically augmented human)
Gender: AMAB
Sexuality: Straight, bisexual questioning
Personailty: Follows orders to the exact letter. Does not do well with people of equal or lesser rank due to his extensive physical and psychological enhancements and training, as he feels like they view him like a freak and they think he views them as less than him. Does not enjoy causing conflicts between people but is quick to put any form of rebellion or bullying down in a heartbeat.
Likes: Being able to rest
Dislikes: Bullying, insubordination, rebellion
Hobbies: Fighting and training
Talents: Killing, hand-to-hand combat, field medicine, bomb defusion and information extraction; assault rifles, sniper rifles handguns, combat knives and mech suits are all bits of gear he's familiar with.
Height & Weight: 7'8" tall and 290.87 lbs
Physical Characteristics: He is a slim but muscular man with close-cropped white hair, ink blue eyes and dark mocha colored skin. Both of his arms have been replaced with permanent prosthetics to increase hand reflexes and reduce how much recoil affects his aim. Both his legs have been modified with pistons and springs to increase his running speed to an average of 45 miles per hour and increase his average jumping height to about 50 feet. His eyes have been modified, though the only visible indicator of this is tiny wires leading to his pupils and a slight holographic sheen to them. When he has his shirt off, you can see a serial number - 376209-UNI - and a bar code, marking him as property, not a human.;;;
Style: Grey or white standard issue corporate militia long sleeve shirts and standard issue black sweatpants.
Augmentations: Thermal and night vision optics in his eyes, prosthetic arms to reduce the effecs of recoil from guns to his aim and to enhance his arm strength, pistons and springs in his legs to enhance leg strength (i.e. running, jumping, kicking), carbon-titanium alloy bones - light but impossible to break, and an integrated "HUD" system that shows vital signs, maps, radiation levels and other such useful information. Most of his muscles have been changed to a high-durability carbon fiber/silicone mesh, meaning he can't get any stronger unless he undergoes a painful procedure to replace the mesh. His immune system has been modified to be immune to most known diseases; his liver and kidneys have been modified with technology that renders poisons, venoms and general toxins inneffective on him. He still feels pain in its full, though.
Background: (Will reveal as time goes on.)
Conditions (Physical): None beyond what's listed.
Other: His armor-

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

His profiles not finished yet but you can give Jack a go :))

lmk what I did right or wrong!!!

Its pretty good! His skin is a bit lighter and his eyebrows are thinner and more curved into a worried expression. His hairs a little shorter too, just above the chin.

I should have probably mentioned he's only a quarter Filipino so this appearance is alot more on the Caucasian side