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people_alt 60 followers

Deleted user

Hey guys! Character chat through the form of texting! Did they already know each other? Or did one text the wrong number? My character is below, anyone can join!!

Name: Annabeth Powers
Gender: Female
Hair: Black and wavy
Eyes: Russet brown
Body type: Slightly muscular
Height: 5'2 (she's short ik but she's kinda based off me-)
Personality: Chill until it comes down to someone getting hurt. Can be a little unpredictable when it comes to interacting with the personalities of others.
Extra: She was born in modern USA New York, recently moved to Tennessee where she discovered a portal to the medieval world of her favorite book series, The Legend of Zanielle.

[Here she-]

(BONUS!!!! Our characters could facetime later on- >:))

Deleted user

(yes girl! you're in!! think i should ask writing samples from those i don't know?)

Deleted user

(* shrugs * guess you're right. I made this mostly cuz i was bored anyway ^^)

@andrew flash_on

Name: Wren Engleson
Gender: No. (That's the answer you get from them anyways and its impossible to tell)
Appearance: ⎮⎮⎮ Silver-grey eyes, black hair, always covered in bandages across their chest/neck and arms; 4'8"; their style is black casual, mainly clothes that come from the pajamas section of stores or clothes they made theirself; body type is indeterminate because of their baggy hoodie.
Age: 19
Personality: Quiet and quite antisocial- but she loves talking online
Extra: Born and raised in Alaska

Deleted user

(OOOOOOOO Wren looks awesome!! wanna get started and see who tags along? ^^)

Deleted user

(sweet! replies can be long or short idc)

Annabeth walked into her room and flopped down onto her bed, her pillow smushing her face. She let out a sigh that seemed to melt her body to the mattress. She had a very, very long day, and was ready to settle down and sleep. The only problem was that it was only 5 in the evening, and there was no way she was going to sleep that early, no matter how bad she wanted it. To make matters worse, she was hungry, but she knew her dad would have dinner ready in an hour. And so, she laid there, her mind swirling with the day she just had and hunger pangs.

@andrew flash_on

Wren had been wrapped up in their weighted blanket all day, like usual. Too depressed to work, not depressed anough to sleep, and definitely too comfortable to consider eating to be a feasable option.

So they just sat there, on their phone, scrolling through Twitter and responding to various things or retweeting things.

They sigh, going to their contacts, fiching out a slip of paper from their hoodie.

They type in the number and text it: "Hey, it's Wren- from that shitty coffee place"

Little did they know, they'd mis-typed it so i was going to someone entirely different.

Deleted user

(is Wren's pronouns "they"? could I possibly use "her", or would you prefer "they"? I'm just curious)

Deleted user

Annabeth heard the silent buzz of her phone, and looked at it on top of her nightstand curiously. It was Saturday. Her friends from New York would be busy hanging out like she used to do with them, and she hadn't lived long enough in Oak Ridge to know anyone…

So who in the world could be texting her?

She sat up slowly before grabbing her phone and pulling up the message. It read, "Hey, it's Wren- from that-" she was alarmed by the word used, "coffee place"

"Now, who in the world…" the girl wondered aloud. She didn't know anyone named Wren. And certainly didn't meet them at some crummy coffee joint. She almost ignored the message, but something in her turned mischievous. This was the most excitement she's had since Wednesday, and she was almost mad with boredom.

Why not? She thought. No one to see her do it other than the stranger. Besides, they were the one who messaged her. No harm in replying…

Without thinking anymore, she shot back a text, "Hey! yeah, I remember… that place was pretty bad, lol. I know a better place for next time if you want?"

@andrew flash_on

Wren sighs, flopping back and holding their phone 10 inches from their face as they reply.

"Sure, where were you thinking? Keep in mind I'm still poor AF and haven't gotten my paycheck yet so find someplace cheap-ish, would you?" she replies, her thumbs typing out the message quickly.

Deleted user

Annabeth froze as the stranger replied. She didn't think they would. She didn't know what would happen. But it did, and they answered. Her fingers flew over the keys, her instincts taking over.

"I know, haha, I didn't forget. I was planning that little coffee and book-shop place across the street from the bank. 'Fancies' I believe it was called?"

She didn't know why all of this was coming out. She didn't even know if the stranger was even in the same state. Or the same country!! Well, there was no taking back what she sent, it was out there now.

@andrew flash_on

(Sure! Lol this is going to be strange)

Wren sighs to theirself.

"Sure that works. It better be cheap tho or else I'm leaving" they type back quickly.