forum Hidden Treasure// (O/O) // MATURE// Closed, stalkers welcome
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Hi, I used to RP on this site a LOT a few years back, and it's been a very long time since I've written anything or done an RP, so I figured I'd get back into it!
I had this idea for an RP that has something to do with a character from a power hungry family guarding a dark, well kept secret. A dragon that is made of gold is locked away by this family, and they're harvesting its parts (scales, tears, horns, spikes, etc) and melting them down for money. This family has grown extremely wealthy this way, and the character thinks nothing of it until she's finally old enough to be taken down to face the dragon and harvest its parts like the rest of her family…
Like I said, it's been a while since I've done an RP, so I was hoping I could have somebody join and help a second character fit into this (I'm thinking somebody she meets and befriends, hoping to open up about her dark family secret to)
Let me know if you're interested!!

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Hey, this sounds really cool! May I? I can give you a writing sample if you'd like, or we can jump right into discussing our ideas!

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(It's a little Oscar Wilde pastiche-y and definitely inspired by that scene but hey, what more can a girl ask for? This is my general writing style, by the way, for both books and RP.)

"Oh, dear, you must show the governor this! It's beautiful!" Lady Sybil chuckled, tossing herself on the chaise-lounge with a dramatic sigh, still holding the papers. Lillian danced across the room skittishly, pacing with a girlish daze that held her head high and shoulders low, skirts flowing out around her long, gangly legs that made her movements more awkward and overgrown than whimsical.

"The world doesn't have the right to my heart, Lady Sybil." the girl said as she galloped over to the fireplace, tending to the flames. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I thought I could trust you with this. As a friend?" Lillian snapped. Her temperament had changed rapidly, as tended to do with youth of her disposition.

"Oh, I wouldn't share it with the world. But governor Bradley is more than the world dear. He finances artists from all over to create pieces for him. Are you sure you won't-"

"I won't even consider it?" Lillian let out a barking laugh and a cruel sort of smile that seeped into your skin and made you, too, just the littlest bit crueler. "I won't give up my soul to a man like him, nor to a man at all! I'm much too busy for that sort of thing anyways, always working, always keeping up my estate."

"And what a small estate it is, with just two servants running around the place when you could have thousands tending to your every need!" Lady Sybil pointed out harshly, waving her cigarette wildly, the smoke tainting the room senselessly. She stood up, thrusting the papers back to the girl with the force of a juggernaut. "Miss Lillian, you really don't see, do you?"

"If I sell my art, I sell myself, Lady Sybil. I betray my senses completely. Can we please just change the subject?"

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(Thank you so much! I've worked hard on developing it! So, am I in?)

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(No problem love! So, how do we want to start?)

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(Hmm, well, I'm honestly not quite sure how I want to go about this. I don't know what sort of character would fit.)