forum emily's poetry
Started by @requiemisback language

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@requiemisback language

i write a lot of poems for my page on commaful, but i felt like sharing those same poems here, so… yeah!

stalkers are welcome in this thread, as well as anyone who'd like to provide feedback on my stuff :)

so… let's go!

(and for those who wanna see the visuals for my poems, here's my commaful page)

@requiemisback language

just posted this poem on commaful and i really liked it… made it while listening to Cotton Candy by Kikuo.
cw: hospital setting, implied drug OD

♡ psyche ♡

wires plug themselves in
as static silently stirs,
and fragments of my past self
flash across the monitors.

where did all my colors go?
why am i all gray now?
i don't want to talk right now,
i just want to sleep.

my brain has grown fuzzy;
it is but a lonely gray cloud now.
i want my colors back…
where did they all go?

everything's so bright…
what's happening to me?

@requiemisback language

another poem from commaful
this one's p small lmao

♡ satin ♡

white lies
cover up a foreboding truth,
hidden by a darkened lens
refusing to show its ugly face.

my brain begins to melt
all due to empty desire
and but several wishes
hoping for the past's return.

am i good enough for you yet?

@requiemisback language

a micropoem i wrote yesterday
cw: m*rder imagery, blood imagery

♡ faith ♡

her tender skin falls apart
at the single swipe of a blade;
i grow soaked in her blood,
our past love hidden in crimson.

@requiemisback language

a smol thing i made like 3 days ago
i keep taking commaful's daily prompts too seriously lmfao
cw: blood imagery, s/h imagery

♡ freak ♡

crying out desperately,
only wanting to be yours;
licking the blood off your arm
leaving behind faded scars.

why can't i trust you anymore?
is this real, or is it all a dream?

@requiemisback language

a thing i'm about to post onto commaful for today's daily prompt, "nail"
posting it here before there as a quick provision

♡ 1-2-3 ♡

the sun beams down
on dead leaves and brush,
unaware that the leaves
have all been laid to rest.

the cosmos reach out to you
their gaze filled with hatred;
hatred for the woman
you have become.

i don't miss you anymore…
in fact, i hope you burn in hell.

@requiemisback language

a micropoem i posted yesterday for commaful's daily prompt, "hole"
this poem was kind of a letter to myself tbh

♡ failed ♡

i never thought i'd see the day
where you finally cave in
to your old ambitions
and terribly unhealthy guilt.

you've lost yourself
in the many shades of grief.

@requiemisback language

a micropoem for today's commaful prompt, "church"
kinda liked writing this one

♡ prayer ♡

knees rest against pavement
that was eroded by false hope,
as they cry out to the gods,
met only by faithless deceit.

@requiemisback language

a short poem for today's commaful prompt, "doll"
i don't really like the flow of this one but whatever here it is

♡ haze ♡

fragile skin rips at the seams
under an otherwordly pressure
as she weeps forevermore
drowning in her own sorrow.

candlelit romance
burns a hole in her heart,
leaving her alone
with her overbearing thoughts.

you just don't give up, do you?

@requiemisback language

wrote a kinda dark poem for today's commaful prompt, "grape"
cw: implied alcoholism

♡ vineyard ♡

glass shatters against the wall
stained red by the wine inside,
now fearing the very woman
you chose to become.

femme fatale daydreams
hold you blind to the pure flame
that once burned inside you
as bright as the rising sun.

you lost everything,
all to feed on the scraps
of the higher-ups enslaving you.

@requiemisback language

wrote a small poem in italian, which is my native language, and posted it on commaful so hey why not post it here too

♡ martyr ♡

i cieli abbandonati ci tengono stretti,
ignari del tradimento dentro le nostre anime,
riluttante ad affrontare la dolorosa verità.

questa passione travolgente
ci ha fatto a pezzi.



forsaken skies hold us tight,
unaware of the betrayal within our souls,
reluctant to face the painful truth.

this overwhelming passion
tore us apart.