forum Dream SMP Help
Started by @sock group

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@sock group

Hey there!
I'm kind of new to the Dream SMP fandomI know I already drew fanart but shhh, so I was hoping for some help on where/how to start.
The only things I know are the stuff from the animations and animatics I've obsessively watched for the past few days (by SAD-ist, The Channel Without A Name, etc.), so any help regarding the story, lore, characters, etc. would be greatly appreciated! :)

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

If you're looking for lore, EvanMCGaming on YouTube has a series of videos detailing the lore, although they're not exactly up to date(he just posted the episode about the exile arc), for characters, the wiki's always a great place to start!

note: this advice is coming from someone with very minimal knowledge of the lore lmao, my fragile little soul can't handle it

Deleted user

Me, Ash, and Seeba are basically the dream smp gods on notebook lol

Deleted user

Thank you for the video :D

Hell yeah mate!! If you wanna watch actual videos, I say go watch Wilbur Soot's and Technoblade's edited videos.
If you have any questions, ask :3

Deleted user

We have too much freetime :D

thanks now I have Your Sister Was Right on loop in my head

lip bite
you're welcome
Ash, my beloved

@sock group

Thank you for the video :D

Hell yeah mate!! If you wanna watch actual videos, I say go watch Wilbur Soot's and Technoblade's edited videos.
If you have any questions, ask :3

Alrighty! :)


Technoblade also has some of his more lore-heavy streams still up (and if not they are in a playlist) if you want to see some of the unedited footage.

@sock group

Technoblade also has some of his more lore-heavy streams still up (and if not they are in a playlist) if you want to see some of the unedited footage.

I'll keep that in mind - thanks!

@Space group

Okay I normally keep to myself about this… but yeah Dream Smp is kinda my thing XD
I could probably recite the entire script if asked lol


if u have a lot of time and wanna watch longer videos theres this playlist
idk if this works but if u look up dream smp all notable events in order it should show up

@sock group

Thanks for all the help y'all! I no longer need assistance and have fallen into the mcyt pit
I offer you a random video before you go :)

Good day