forum Celestial Bodies, Healing Words and Free Minds (Open OxO)
Started by @andrew flash_on

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@andrew flash_on

Character A is made of stardust and moonlight, a free spirit that has been wandering since days past. They cry tears of silver, speak in music and laugh in tones of running water.

Character B is a normal human. Just an average person, who works in an office building, takes the train to and from work every day, and who enjoys a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning.

Character A, though free and happy, has had a troubled and dark past and can't heal from it without help.

Character B wants to be able to help someone, but can't - anybody they could help doesn't want help.

So this is the story of how B meets A and falls in love with this ethereal being, this creature of hope and dream, old, new and broken alike.

Some notes on this:

Character A is not a god, nor do they have god-like powers. All they have is the ability to go into other's dreams and move between areas of bright light and areas of darkness, and to heal light wounds. There may be more like them, but A and B don't know this. Other things may happen while A is around though, like an increase in certain species of nighttime birds and a higher concentration of lunar moths. This is not because of any particular power A has - it's just because they're literally concentrated essence of the cosmos.

Character B is not supernatural of any sort. They have no true knowledge of the supernatural either, just superficial knowledge that everyone else has.

There is an area of the world where beautiful, space colored flowers burt from the ground and where trees tower over anything else that has been seen in the world, where light is brighter and darkness is darker. . . and there is a perfectly preserved corpse of a beautiful human girl. This is an effect of A losing someone and using their healing power over and over again to try and save them.

Otherwise there are no supernatural areas or anything. To the best of anybody's knowledge, there are no supernaturals beyond A, where the government has confirmed sightings of it, but hasn't done anything about it.

I'll be Character A and you'll be Character B.

This is kinda a self-serving roleplay that's meant to bring to life a character I've been trying to make for a while.


  1. Cursing is fine, just don't go overboard!
  2. Be online often; I'm generally online from 2:40 PM CST to anywhere from 10:00 PM CST to 3:30 AM CST. Occassionally, I'll be on all day but that's rare except for the weekends.
  3. Be at least semi-literate. Punctuation at the least so I know when a sentence ends and another starts!
  4. Be kind out of character! I'm pretty understanding when it comes to rudeness, but if I feel that it keeps happening even after I try and help you, I'm not going to roleplay with you. I understand, nowadays life is stressful but don't take it out on me please!
  5. For this one romance will be kept casual - kissing, hugging, handholding, etc. Sexual stuff will be fade-to-black.

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(Hello!! This sounds so interesting, may I join? I'm happy to provide a writing sample as well, if necessary!)

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(Okay!! I'm active typically at least one or two times a day, normally in the evening my time (MST). Weekends I am normally on more frequently. I also try my best to give notice if I know I will not be active for an extended period of time)

@andrew flash_on

Nicknames (Optional):

Height and Weight:
Physical Characteristics:




@andrew flash_on

Name: Levana Esmeray Astraea
Nicknames (Optional): Wanderer of the Sky, the Weeping Moon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual Demiromantic

Height and Weight: 5'9" and 158 lbs.
Physical Characteristics: Levana has floor length hair, colored in the hues of the aurora borealis; it moves exactly like the aurora too, even outside of water or any wind. Her skin is the color of a newly formed nebula, and the colors shift as though it were the actual thing. Her eyes are the white of a magnetar. Her skin will shift from its usual blues, greens, greys and oranges to a deep reddish-orange with swirls of black throughout when she's mad, though that's rare. When she's sad, it's simply a blue-black void. When she's stressed it's yellows and oranges and purples.
Style: Ancient Greek style dresses-

Personality: Levana is a very curious soul who loves freedom and large, open spaces. She can be shy at times around people she finds to capture nature's beauty well. She loves to eat - she has an insatiable appetite for sugary things - and enjoys a good, warm meal. No matter what mood she's in, she can eat a feast by herself. She enjoys watching people do normal things, i.e. walk down the sidewalk or sit down at a table, as she simply enjoys simpler things in life. She loves to sleep. She likes it when she has her friend's attention. And she absolutely enjoys dancing and singing. However, she can be a bit. . . dramatic at times, when she isn't getting the attention she wants, like a cat. If she doesn't have enough stimulation she'll find something to do, which can end badly since, as I mentioned earlier, she's a very curious lady. Sometimes she'll fall into a depressive mood and will do nothing but eat and lay down next to her friend. She likes it when things are lively and noisy, but tends to stick around her friends if she doesn't know anybody around, though she very quickly warms up to strangers. She can't tolerate any ammount of violence towards anyone or anything, and does anything she can to avoid conflict. She hates when people yell as well. She thinks people who are disrespectful are some of the worst people to exist in the world, and even though she's not a fan of arguing, she will put them in their place.
Likes: Sleeping, eating, dancing, singing, existing, making new friends, bright areas, making people happy, exploring new places, learning new things
Dislikes: Rude people, quiet places, dark places, cramped/tiny areas. She surprisingly doesn't like music that's overly loud.
Hobbies: People watching, providing entertainment and making the world happier
Talents: Singing, dancing, making people laugh, eating a lot of food in a short ammount of time, healing minor injuries

Background: (Will reveal as time goes on but the first thing you learn will be the healing thing mentioned in the intro!)
Conditions: PTSD (but she doesn't know it) and ADHD

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Name: Kallen Elias Whitlock
Nicknames (Optional): KW- by close friends
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Height and Weight: 6'2, 182 lbs
Physical Characteristics: Kallen has tan, sunkissed skin as if he has spent most of his life basking in the sun. He has jet black hair that is medium length. It is slightly longer in the front than the back. He has green eyes framed by long eyelashes that stand out against his skin. His body is covered with freckles, especially his shoulders and face. He is slightly gangly and scrawny, which his height only adds to. Occasionally, he'll wear reading glasses, but he mostly wears contacts.
Style: Kallen is typically seen in sweaters or flannels. He is not one to spend hours on end curating his style. (think harry potter-ish style, also this is not my art, I just could not find something that executed my vision lol)

Personality: Kallen is a complex individual with a deep sense of purpose and a strong moral compass. He is analytical which allows him to recognize patterns and draw connections where others may not. He is also empathetic and attuned to the emotions of others, which causes him to absorb the feelings of others and feel overwhelmed. Kallen is fiercely independent and values self-reliance. He rarely asks for help from others. He has a small group of friends who he trust implicitly, but is slow to open up to new people. Despite his self-conviction, he is prone to self-doubt and uncertainty. He values validation from others and words of encouragement. He has a tendency to overanalyze situations and can sometimes get bogged down in the details, which can make it difficult for him to see the bigger picture.
Likes: cooking, astronomy & nature, reading, ancient history, intimacy & connections with others, obscure music, running, collecting niche things
Dislikes: crowds, being rushed & pressured, small talk, rigid ideologies, dishonesty & deceptiveness, overly bright rooms, cats, boredom
Hobbies: running, stargazing, collecting things, going on walks
Talents: fantastic chef, skilled runner, mathematically smart

Background: nothing at the moment
Conditions: n/a

Other: nothing I can think of right now

@andrew flash_on

Levana watched as the waves slowly crawled their way up the sandy beach, as the tide comes back in. The bright sun sparked off the water on the horizon, turning it shades of green and teal at the peaks of the gentle waves.

She was excited about this world. She knew it would be full of life and wonders that she'd never seen before, full of people and good food.

She slowly turned towards the bright city. It was alive, humming with barely contained excitement and passion. It made her smile, her body flashing in colors of purple, orange and green - the colors of joy.

She moves through some shadows nearby, appearing in a random part of the city. She looks around before noting a room that sparked her interest - it was cluttered, but in a good way.

She disappears and appears up there, gasping slightly at all the shiny and beautiful things. She doesn't touch anouthing, merely looks at it, before going over to the bed and flopping down on it. It was very comfy there, and she was very quickly very warm and content.

Levana falls asleep, watching the sky start to darken slightly as the sun starts to set.

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Kallen's trek home was one of his favorite parts of the day, a chance to clear his mind. He enjoyed the rhythm of the city streets, the sound of his footsteps echoing against the pavement as he made his way home.
As he left the office building, Kallen took a deep breath of the cool, evening air. The bustling energy of the city surrounded him, the honking of cars and chatter of people filling the air.
He walked at a leisurely pace, taking in the scenery. He passed by the street vendors selling hot dogs and pretzels, the smell of roasting meat and salted dough wafting through the air.
He rounded the street corner and entered his apartment building. He gave a small wave to the doorman and took the elevator up to his apartment. Kallen turned the key and entered his home.
Kallen is rather eclectic. Bookshelves lined one wall, filled with hundreds of novels and trinkets. He placed his bag on one of his kitchen barstools and walked to the bedroom.
Kallen now stood frozen in the doorway, his eyes darting to the sleeping figure in his bed and the rest of his room. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, and his mind struggled to make sense of the bizarre situation. As far as he could tell, there had been no forced entry and he wasn't one to leave his doors unlocked.
Despite his initial confusion and fear, Kallen found himself drawn to the woman's still form, his curiosity getting the best of him. He crept closer, studying her features in the dimly lit room. She was beautiful, with delicate features and long, flowing hair. She reminded him both of the night sky and the sea. Two of his favorite things.
He decided he would wait for her to wake up, to see what she had to say for herself.

@andrew flash_on

Levana's body was swirling with deep swirls of color, like the aurora australis, her hair muted but swirling passionately. Slowly, though, the colors lightened as she felt the presence of someone nearby, her skin going from the colors of the aurora australis to the colors of the clearest picture of Mercury. Her eyes slide open revealing her bright white eyes and she sees what is quite possibly the most beautiful person she's seen in, well. . . a while.

Her cheeks start to glow a slight purple-ish orange and she sits up, her dress splayed around her like a puddle of water, and she slides back so she's right up against the headboard of the bed.

"I- hello." she whispers, her voice high and sweet like a harp. "I am very sorry for trespassing."

It was clear, though, that she was not a native English speaker. As a matter of fact, she seemed very unaccustomed to human speech in general. Her accent seemed to be middle eastern. . . possibly Ancient Greek?

"Would- you like me to leave?" she asks, looking at the mix of curiosity and possible fear on Kallen's face.