forum "Can Someone Talk To Me?" (OPEN TO ANY AND EVERYONE)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 78 followers

Deleted user

Hey! So basically I want to start character chat…… idc how many ppl are on here, but it'll basically be a Q&A. If you need to name a specific thing about your character you can add it as we go along. I would preferably like to avoid cursing and keep romance out. Sound good? Cool, cool…

[a red-headed girl steps into the room] "Hello…? Hm. I guess no one is here yet." [shrugs] "I'll just wait." [sits on one of the sofas]


Ah, this is a cool idea!

The man had to duck to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe, looking a little bit like he'd rather be anywhere but there. He sees the girl and nodded in silent greeting, taking a position fairly close to the door.
"Hi," he says cautiously.

Deleted user

Phoenix cautiously peeked through the doorway, taking in the group with a wary eye. After a moment, he stepped inside and gave a small wave.
"Hi?" He said, his voice questioning. Still appraising the trio, he walked over to sit next to the red-haired girl.

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

Blade walked into the room and silently cursed her fiance's name. "Well, I'm here, so, hi. I guess," she said with obvious annoyance. Then she walked over to a corner and wearily stood there, watching them.

Deleted user

Oh! Hello everyone! Um… Nice to meet you! Yeah… My name is Danica, what are yours? I mean, what are your names?