forum Brand new rp with Dusty! (private)
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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here we are! it’s currently 1:30 am here so ima head to bed real quick but hopefully i’ll catch you in a few hours to start thinkin up some ideas

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Yo! I'm on my lunch break for a few hours so I'll drop my ideas here for when you wake up ^^

I've had some various rp starters in my back pocket for quite a while now, so maybe I'll just give you that list and maybe one of them will inspire us? Here ya go:

  • A world-famous businessman/former actor (my character) unexpectedly decides to adopt a kid (your character), much to the surprise of the media since he's notoriously aloof and uninterested in family. What the public doesn't know is that he's secretly a centuries-old wizard who's finally decided to take on an apprentice so he can pass on his skills and combat a long-time enemy. Oh, and he kinda wants somebody to show off his magic tricks to lol.

  • A magical/alien being of some kind (your character) gets somehow yeeted out of their own world and trapped on modern-day earth. They land in the middle of nowhere and the first human they meet is a farmer trying to take care of his dad's old land (my character). Once they befriend each other, perhaps they band together to save the farm and get the magical being back home.

  • (soft romance rp) Your character shares a college dorm room (or just a college idk) with a guy who's actually the god of nature. He doesn't talk much and sometimes he turns into a tree but also he rescues wild animals and part-times at the college's botanical garden and he thinks your character's cute lol

  • Werewolves but they're dogs and they run around cities in gangs causing trouble but they have to stay a secret from humans except one day a young weredog rescues a human school buddy from bullies or something and the human finds out :O And also weredogs act tough but they're just a bunch of lovable idiots that don't make good life choices and would die for their friends. And also there's an evil science group out to catch the weredogs and turn them into super-soldiers or something idk. (I actually have a story about this kind of, I have plenty of weredog ocs ready to go and some culture/creature design notes to share if this interests you. And if you don't want to be a human that's fine too, this idea's flexible xD)

  • This idea's nebulous at best but I have a race of bird-people that I just really want to put in an rp and it's a dystopian setting and there will be lots of flying and probably a surreal/magical vibe as well

That's all I had I think, let me know if any of those catch your interest! Or if you have ideas of your own of course! ^^


heyo, those are all really cool! I love the first and the third idea the most out of all of them but I'm not picky about which we do since they all seem fun. if you've got one that you really wanna do then I'm happy to go with it!


That sounds great! love a bit of magic and wizards :D is there a particular age range that this dude would be wanting to adopt lmao before I pull out the vault of characters?

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(I just slapped down a bunch of random facts, not necessarily a template haha)

Name: Liam Blake (at least that's the name he goes by atm)
Age: Difficult to tell, he's gotta be somewhere in his early fifties by now but on good days he passes for 35. Is actually older than Hollywood.
Appearance: Average height, slim and gracefully built, pale, neatly combed black hair with the slightest streaks of grey at his temples. Eyes that shift from dark slate to striking silver depending on the light–they're his best feature. Almost always seen wearing a smile; quick to laugh. Carries himself elegantly but doesn't act haughty or superior around others. Most often seen wearing a suit of some kind that fits the occasion. Has a taste for richly embroidered dressing gowns around the house. (PS: I just realized my current avatar is a drawing of him lol)
Public occupation: Recently retired from a successful acting career and now uses his vast wealth to scout and fund promising small-business ventures as a hobby. Still attends film festivals and high-society parties sometimes. Is supremely bored.
True occupation: He's one of the most powerful wizards in the world atm, and as such he's made it his unofficial duty to oversee the magical activities of everyone else. He doesn't enforce any rules, though. He just watches and makes sure magic isn't accidentally discovered by the public. The full extent of his involvement in the magical community remains unknown.
Misc: His voice is pleasant and friendly and his accent is reminiscent of an American radio host from the 40's, but with a more relaxed modern cadence. He may have multiple aliases across the world. He's never been romantically involved with anyone as far as the media can tell. However, he owns a dressing gown embroidered in the colors of the pride flag, and once wore it to a press conference with no explanation. He either owns 1 or 21 mansions—his houseguests are never very clear on that. He delights in performing simple magic tricks during interviews and not telling anyone it's real magic.


aight here we go very basic outline lmao

Name: Conner Jones
Age: 15
Appearance/personality: Conner is tall for his age, lanky and skinny with more bone than muscle. Brown, reddish hair that falls in soft curls framing his face. Very dark blue eyes often mistaken for brown. Pale as anything man, practically a vampire he needs to see the sun more. freckled face giving him an almost innocent look that does not match the frown that is near permanent on his face. Rough exterior, really is a softy and loves to read and learn. Pretty intelligent too even if he doesn't own it. Definitely the classic reckless teenager. takes a lot to earn his trust considering what he's been through with the foster system and all.
Past history: Been through the foster system all his life. Doesn't know much about his birth parents but has been told his mother has passed and dad wasn't the nicest man to ever exist. Foster system did him dirty in recent years, bouncing around from not-so-great homes to the next. When he was little the families had been alright but, teenage boys tend to get a bad rap and not many people like to take them in so, unfortunately, the homes for the past year to two have been pretty shit.
Other facts: Surprisingly, he loves dancing. He'd never done it professionally but he wants to. Gardens are his favourite place, very much a green thumb and loves the outdoors and nature and everything that comes with it. He/they bisexual mess. Heavily believes in horoscopes (but don't tell anyone that). Plans on having a minimum of 6 cats by the time he is 20 and wishes to open a rescue. Prefers white chocolate over milk or dark.


(Lmao yes, maybe Liam has been going around meeting a few kids, meets Connor and tries to get to know him a lil bit like the rest of the kids? Maybe they go for a walk or sum to kinda get to know each other, see if they actually somewhat like the other and then boom adoption lol)

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(not my best work but I'm fighting a half-busted keyboard rn and it's frustrating x'D)

Mr. Blake had seen much grander parks and gardens in his day, but he made a point of admiring this one all the same. Even the most bare city block's worth of grass and memorial benches could be a pleasant place to walk if you chose the right person to walk with. And Blake was daring to hope he'd finally found that person.
He had no reason to believe this—he hadn't even met the boy yet, to be factual. But it had been along day of searching, and in Blake's experience, good things often came at the last minute if you kept your eyes open. With any luck, he would leave this park with his very first family member.
He smiled to himself and returned to slowly pacing outside the office of the foster care. Patience. Before anything was certain, he had to actually meet this child. Only then would he know for sure.


(Oh shi that's no good:/)

Conner had low hopes for the last 'meet and greet' for the day. It was the same every time. The family came, they spoke, and ultimately took home someone younger. It had happened too many times to count in the last year or so that they'd practically given up hope, only a small light part of him holding on for a miracle that never seemed to come. It didn't stop the nerves from building as he walked towards the entranceway, chewing at his chapped lower lip. The majority of Conner told him that nothing would come of this, it was useless since he was only a few years off leaving the system but he kept pace and didn't turn from the door. Taking a deep breath, they pushed open the grey, metal door, sunlight hitting their face and shutting it behind him as he faced the man down a couple of stone steps before clearing his throat to grab his attention. He seemed… familiar, but Connor couldn't quite place the face.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(yeah, I'll survive tho lol. For the rp TvT)

Blake heard the door open and stopped mid-step, turning to look at the teenager who'd just stepped into the light. A moment later his eyes lit up, as if the boy was exactly who he'd been hoping to see.
"Ah, hello!" He walked over, cheerily holding out his hand to shake. "I was beginning to think I'd gotten the time wrong. You're Conner, right? So good to meet you! I'm Liam. Won't you walk with me while we talk? I'd hate to miss this lovely weather."



Conner offered a small, closed-lipped smile, nodding as the man, Liam, spoke, "Uh, yes, sir. It's nice to meet you, too." He took his hand in a firm handshake, quickly slipping it back into his pocket a moment later. He seemed nice enough, but you could never be too careful, "Sure, yeah, a walk sounds nice." They'd never complain about a walk, maybe the sun but he would never miss a chance to get outside and away from the office behind them. Liam seemed nice enough so far, he thought, though it didn't stop him from being cautious.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(I fell asleep oof)

Blake readily led the way down the nearest concrete path, glancing around ruefully at the uninspiring mowed lawns and bare autumn trees. "I hope this meeting wasn't an inconvenience," he said amiably as they walked. "They tell me I'm the last visitor of the day. I promise I won't take up too much of your time, Conner. Shall we cut to the chase? I confess I brought a list of questions in case my small-talk failed me."


(I've got work today so won't be on much just a heads up^)

"It's okay," They replied, "I wasn't doing anything else, anyway." Maybe a bit of reading but Conner was simply happy to get away from the office having been stuck in there most of the day. He kicked a rock in his path, focusing on the ground as they walked, "I think we both know why you're here but sure, bring on the questions I suppose." It was all the same. 'How long have you been in care for?' 'What do you do in your free time?' Conner prayed for interesting questions after the long day.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(seems I wasn't on much either lol)
"Right then." Blake took a notepad from his pocket and flipped it open with a flourish. "First question: How do you think you would react if you suddenly gained incredible power? Any kind of power." He smiled brightly at Conner. "Be honest, now."


Conner blinked, surprised at what Blake had asked, “Well I- I don’t know,” He answered, having not given any time to think about something such as that, “I guess… I guess I’d be grateful more than anything but happy, I’d wanna learn more about how to use the power.”

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

"Excellent! Good to know." Blake produced a pencil and made a brief note. "Next question, speaking of learning: Are you curious about the world? Do you have the drive and interest to keep exploring and discovering your whole life? Incidentally, do new things scare you?"


Conner nodded, "Depends on what the new thing is but learning is great. The word is so interesting why not spend time trying to discover and learn about what's around us." They'd never give up an opportunity to learn, he practically lived in the library gardens in his spare time.