forum Assassination across the nation?
Started by @FallenSinAzazel

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So I was thinking of it being a 3 person rp, the group wakes up in a strange part of the world and have bounties on their heads for assassination. They have powers that assist them and try to escape the kingdom, it's kinda a rough draft but I'm bored af and I wanna do this. Join if you're interested!

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(nice, would you want me to do a specific character template or just pull one of mine up for ya? Also, as for the powers go, i have a necromancer witch girly i could use for this, would that be alright?)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(here's a painting of her i did a hot minute ago. It's not super accurate or good but i mean itll give you an idea :)
( )
Name: Circe (no last name. Pronounced Sir-See)
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns: female. She/her.
Appearance: Circe is small in stature, standing probably at about 5"2 and weighing around 96lbs. Her skin is on the paler side and she has long white blonde hair that falls barely at her hips. Her hair is messy most of the time, whether it's because it's naturally wavy or she's just a mess. She never puts it up, not liking how cold she feels when her hair is up.
She wears white flowy things most of the time and you will never find her wearing shoes. (i can give you a few links as to what she wears if you'd like.)
Circe's face shape is more narrow and her eyes are narrow as well. Her pupils are pinkish and her irises are red (but like that eerie red like when you take a picture of a dog's eyes at night with the flash on. That kind of red.)
She has red markings along her body, the skin underneath raised as if they are scars. Which they probably are ngl.
Circe has pointed teeth and nails like a vampire but she's not lol. Nor does she have any abilities other than being a witch. Circe also has pointed ears (not included in the painting).
Personality: Circe is rude and blunt with her words. She will never hold back any mean words or actions of hers. She's outspoken but not loud.
She likes getting into other people's business and she's not about to hide that either.
Circe is the type to attack someone by biting them and scratching off their face. She's literally an evil friend.
She doesn't get social cues easily and struggles with social interaction with people in general.
I think that might be all but I might add to this.
Magic/abilities: so she came from a coven of witches that specifically studied in necormancy. So with that, she's basically a necromancer that's not very good at it. uhm that's about it honestly.
Other: As for the pointed ears, teeth, and her eyes. Obviously she’s not human. If you would like for me to change this, I'd be more than happy to. I don't mind at all :)
She doesn't have any abilities or anything like that because she's not human. She’s just a different species, that's all. She’s basically human other than appearance ig? again, id totally change it if youd like.

anyway, i hope you like her ;0
oh heres a pinterest board i made for her a few days ago if you are interested in looking at that :)


(She sounds great! And for the rp feel free to say anything and it won't offend me, and let me know your limits as well)
Name: Scatha Fox
Nickname: Zen
Age: 17
Gender: male
Appearance: he tends to wear tighter clothes and always has a cloak and boots. He keeps his face covered at all times and his hood up (I'll send a picture here soon)
Personality: he has a past of violence and a very short temper. He tends to keep to himself and stays quiet. He looks at things in a very simple way and doesn't like to make things harder for himself
Ability: divine Arrow, he can summon a bow made from darkness that is feuled on his emotions. When shot the arrow leaves no mark on the skin and kills you from the inside-out.
Other: he is trained in close combat and carries a knife on him, he has 5 younger siblings but was kicked out at 13 after almost killing one sibling and violence against the others
(This isn't the starter but he wondered the kingdom for years until he woke up in a different country on the other side of the world)


(Great! If it's alright with you guys imma throw in a starter.)
Scatha's head pounded, all he could hear was ringing. The sour smell of vomit filled his nostrils. "W-where am I..'' his voice cracked as he spoke. He cracked his eyes open and slowly stood, his hair was plastered to the back of his neck and his legs shook.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(idk if they all appear with each other or find each other so imma just write this as if she's alone for now)
(also would you mind setting the scene? i dont really know the setting too well or any other big details. im sorry)
Circe lifts her head slowly, her eyes fluttering open before looking around in confusion. Every muscle in her small body ached when she gained full consciousness. She curses under her breath in some other language, her brows creased in frustration.
Circe tries to swallow but her mouth was too dry and her throat too itchy, so she lets out a few hoarse coughs instead, her blonde hair falling in her face and onto the ground as she tries to regain her breath before attempting to sit up.
The skin on her elbows and knees scraped over as if she had just gotten into a bike accident of some sort and her skin grew cold as the blood dries against it.
Where was she? Why couldn't she remember getting here? Was she knocked out? Dead? Kidnapped?
Her mind races with all of the possibilities as she forces her body up. She stands, her body being held up by weak, shaky legs and her skinny arms wrap around herself as she shivers. Circe's red eyes flick around her surroundings, trying to take everything in but all she could make out was blurred images and shapes, little light getting to her irises. Feeling nauseous, she collapses back to the rough ground, letting out a small cry, pain shooting through her knees and up to her legs as she falls to the ground, her skin getting scraped more before a coughing fit starts. She struggles to keep her eyes open but the adrenaline running through her body keeps her conscious. Though not so aware of her surroundings.
Vomit threatening to be pulled up from her chest as she heaves on the ground, her eyes tearing up. All she could do was chant a few simple affective-less words repetitively and trace the small markings on her palm with her sharp nails in hopes to ground her and calm her down.
(lol my girls having a panic attack the first post :,)


(Yes sorry, the time setting is kinda medieval, they're in a fictional world obviously from the powers lol. I usually don't give much detail to the story because I want you guys to add to the story with your own ideas. The three find each other after people see them and they start to get chased.)


(No no you're post is perfect! All three of them are in spots hidden from other people so once they are seen they start to get chased, so make your next reply along the lines of that then we'll go from there :)
Scatha stood wondering what had happened, was this some sort of punishment? Because it took a long time to get here. He staggered out of the ally way and into the street, 'its so empty..' he walked at a slow pace up the dirt road. He noticed a cloth hanging from an old stand and he snatched it to cover his face.
He stumbled over to some soilders and asked where he was. They seemed stunned to see him but soon called for him to be restrained. Not knowing what he did scatha spun around and made a b line for the closest ally and made every turn he could to lose them. He found himself gasping for air and confused, "what the fuck was that.." he huffed

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Circe's chest heaves up and down as her scratchy breathes escapes her throat, hot tears falling down her face as she tries to calm herself down. Though, her efforts avail her nothing as her panic continues. Her nails trace the red tattooed scars over her skin as she tries to focus on them to calm her down, taking deeper breathes each time.
And eventually, she's able to calm down enough to look around without wanting to rip her skin off of her body and climb out of her bones only to sink into the ground and become one with nature.
Her surroundings were dark and eerie, nothing she wasn't used to. Though it was unfamiliar territory. That was something new.
She sniffles, wiping her nose carelessly with the back of her wrist as she takes everything in. The night sky she could see above her through cracks of stained glass, the moonlight flooding in through the panes, creating a kaleidoscopic light that shone down on her.
She seemed to be in some sort of church from the looks of it. Church pews broken down to wooden splinters around her, carpet burnt to ash to reveal mossy cobblestone below. Stained glass windows depicting beautiful images of God reaching out to man. Others of lambs and lions, the mother Mary and Joseph. Crosses with graphic imagery above. It was all so…overwhelming to her. As they meant nothing to her. Who was this? Why was this here? What were they doing? And why would someone make this?
She wondered why such a place would be built to worship a random man, as she knew nothing outside of her coven.
Through the panes and occasional holes in the wall crept long vines that reach to the top of the building. Grass, moss, and weeds had grown up through the cracks of the stone floor and dead leaves surrounded her. She squints her pale eyes to focus on a specific flower that had bloomed in the light of the moon, her hand reaching over to touch it. To examine it and to feel what texture it was.
Circe's head snaps to the side at a creaking sound to her far left in another room. Most likely towards the front of the building. A door opening followed by multiple sets of footsteps.
She looks around and scampers to her feet, quickly racing to one of the cracked windows. Her bare feet pattering softly along the ground before she climbs through the broken pane. Though in the heat of her precipitous actions, she slips as she falls out of the window and to the ground with a thud. She looks down to her legs and hands, a few small cuts appearing and dark red blood seeping out of the wound. She looks at it for a few seconds before touching a cut on her hand, drawing it back quickly as the stinging sensation sets in.
Circe shakes herself out of her mesmerizing thought process and pushes herself off the ground, looking through the window to see two large men and one woman entering the building. All of them holding unfamiliar weapons as they scan the room.
"you said she was right here?" the woman speaks up. Her voice soft and quiet like a mothers. Though her tone rough and stern. It confused Circe.
"she was! She was unconscious too! I made sure of it" one of the men replies to her.
"i swear you guys are just about as dumb as you look" the woman says, obviously frustrated as she kicks aside a piece of burnt wood.
Circe watches the men, not familiar with the "species" What were they? Why did they hold themselves in such a way? What kind of creature did they come from?
The whole thing, once again, confused the hell out of her, but she tries her best not to be focused on that.

The woman turns her head towards the windows, looking for escape routes Circe might have been able to take. And soon enough, she spots the girl and her light blonde hair.
The woman holds up a metal and glass lantern in her direction, the light bouncing off of her eyes to create an eerie glowing affect like a wild animal in the woods before it scampers away. Which is exactly what Circe attempts to do. She quickly turns away as soon as she locks eyes with the woman, the only familiar species she's seen this whole times she's been conscious. And yet she looked at her with such disgust. Why? What did Circe do?
She stumbles away and into a forest like area, running away from the noise and the lights and all of the voices. With her blood thumping in her ears, the sound of her raspy, week voice as she ran and the garbled sounds of her prosecutors voices in the background, she covers her pointed ears as she runs through the forest. Her feet occasionally scraping on a stick or stubbing a toe on a hard, pointed rock. She had to keep going. Or else….
Circe didn't actually know what would happen if they caught her, but she knew that she didn't want to stick around to find out.

(im sorry for it being so long)


Scatha seethed with anger, why would they try to do that to him? Just yesterday he was just fine alone and now he didn't know where he was or what he did. He peeked out of the ally and noticed a bulletin board. He stood in shock, a rough sketch of him was up there along with two other girls. Scatha reached out his hand and tore off the papers and jammed them into his pocket. Wanted dead or alive? What happened? What day was it? His thoughts were interrupted when guards had noticed him, he didn't stick around to find out if they were going to arrest him and just ran. He made it to a forest area and noticed circe, "wait! You're that girl!" He shouted as he pulled out the poster

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Circe runs as fast as her small legs could manage, her lungs and throat stinging from her heavy breaths as she cried, her shoulders scraping against the bark of the trees she races past with little balance to her body. She was sure she lost them but she had to be sure.
So with that, she whips her head around to look behind her as she runs, though within her distraction, she crashes. Her whole body running into a tree, causing her to fall over and tumble down a steep hill. Letting out a small yelp, she rolls towards a small city, the light from the lanterns could be seen through the tears in her eyes. Once she stops rolling, she lays in the dead leaves and dirt, not able to move. Circe's hair falls over her face and sticks to her wet cheeks as she looks up at the sound of footsteps growing closer once again.
Panic, fear and dead sets in once again after only a few seconds of rest. She desperately tries to scramble to her feet, pushing herself up off of the ground and looking towards the sound. Was it really footsteps or was it her paranoia?
It all became very real to her once she sees another being come into view and it's voice shouts at her. Circe jumps at the sound of his voice and his quick movements, her eyes wide as she looks at him. She realized it was another one of those species she had seen earlier and she rising to her feet, defensive now, though still scared out of her mind.
She bares her teeth as she speaks to him, showing him her "fangs" as a warning of sorts. "get back!" she says quickly before she starts to chant, planting one of her hands on a tree beside her, her eyes staying wide and on the boy. "ill kill you" she hisses, not knowing whether or not she could. That didn't matter. As long as she could act like she could. Then he would stay back and everything would be fine right?
Oh she hoped to the Pariahs that was the case.


"You! You're being chased right?!" He threw the piece of paper at her. He was on his toes ready to run or attack at any given second. "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm being chased too." He huffed and checked behind his shoulder, "we're wanted for murder, there's another girl too, look I don't know what's going on I just woke up in some ally."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Circe furrows her brows, her eyes narrowed now "what are you?" she asks, not familiar with the male species yet. Even after seeing the two men chasing after her.
Right! She's being chased!! But by who? And where were they now? Did they catch up to her? Is this being a sort of trick to lure her into their trap?
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no
This can't be happening. No this isn't happening.
She rakes her pointed fingers through her mess of hair, scrunching her fists into balls before turning away, looking around panicked. Circe's eyes once again land on strange being that continued to talk to her for some reason. That continued to lie to her. What was he getting out of this.
She stares blankly at him like a deer in headlights, "girl?" she asks, thinking about the mean woman that had chased her. "no no i cant-i cant" she mumbles to herself, looking down to her bruised and scratched feet. Her pale skin ghost like in the dark light of the forest.
"Murder?" she says, her tone concerned. "no-no they… took the body….right?" she says, not actually knowing what she was talking about. The memories of her home and her coven bleeding into the information she was being given here, confusing her.


"What do you mean 'what am I'? I'm a human.." he spoke angrily, this whole situation was making him tick. He eyed her up and down, "I should be asking that question, what are you." Just then he heard yelling from behind him, he whipped around to see the guards. How did they find us? Ugh screw it! He rushed her and grabbed her arm, "just run! We don't have time to talk!"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She cocks her head to the side just a little like a dog before thinking about how to answer his question.
Circe opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by the guards voices.
must be who was chasing him…if he wasn't lying… she thought to herself, going to step back from him as he reaches towards her. The feeling of his skin on hers made her panic and a bit angry. "let go you creep!!" she whispers harshly at him. With out waiting for him to respond to her, she quickly bites his forearm, digging her sharp teeth into his skin and biting down as hard as she could until she drew blood, and even then she didn't let up. Not until he either let go, or forced her to.
(im sorry she's already hurting someone TT^TT i wasn't kidding when i said she was a literal evil friend lol)
(i also apologize if its not well written rn. Im so tired lol)