info Overview
Name - What is Feather Heights’s full name?

Feather Heights

Description - Describe Feather Heights.

It is a massive mountain, with many peaks and caves and cliffs all around it. It is where the Pegasi dwell.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Feather Heights?


Sports - What sports are played in Feather Heights?

Mostly racing, but they will play other flying sports that do not originate in Feather Heights.

business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is Feather Heights located?

It is located west of Gacker River.

Crops - What crops does Feather Heights produce?

The Pegasi grow cave grasses that can survive in the cold, but are forced to import most of their food.

Climate - What is the climate like in Feather Heights?

It is very cold, and not much grows up there, far above the clouds.

book History
Founding Story - How was Feather Heights founded?

The Pegasi actually came from much closer to Gacker River, but where forced to move away during the Alicorn War. They made a new home in the mountains, and live in the caves that dot the entire mountain. Eventually, the Unicorns were driven away from Gacker River as well, and after fighting a fierce war with the Scorpons, moved in with the Pegasi. At that point, the Unicorn race was much smaller than most other races that lived in the Cloud Lands, and they were a minority. Interbreeding between the two species has created Alicorns, a new race of mythical beasts.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Feather Heights been involved in?

The Alicorn War, which forced the Pegasi to move to Feather Heights in the first place. The Scorpian War, which forced the Unicorns to move in with the Pegasi.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Populated by

Pegasi, Unicorns, and Alicorns.


This location was created by Madi on

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