info Overview
Name - What is Salkire’s full name?


Description - Describe Salkire.

Sitting upon a mountain, this city houses the castle home to The Author, and accessible to only those of a warrior or magic class

Type - What type of location is Salkire?


face Culture
Population - What is Salkire’s population?

1000 residents within city walls, within surrounding area 5000

Motto - What is Salkire’s motto?

"Without life we fall"

Linked Races
Currency - What currencies are used in Salkire?

Words - the more powerful the word the greater worth it holds, can be spoken or written

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Salkire?

Generally warm, humid climate with mist and fog surrounding the city

Located at - Where is Salkire located?

The top of a steep cliff, a waterfall crashes down before the entrance into the cliff

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Salkire been involved in?

The First War - Chaos made an attack against with her army of paradoxical beings and creations of her own

history Changelog
edit Notes
Religion chevron_right Practicing locations link linked Salkire

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