info Overview
Name - What is Rebellion Camp’s full name?

Rebellion Camp

Description - Describe Rebellion Camp.

The rebellion camp is located in a grassy area behind/near Askar Murfi's home. It is made of tents in slightly haphazard lines. There are woods and a stream nearby.

Type - What type of location is Rebellion Camp?

Camp in a large, grassy field

face Culture
Motto - What is Rebellion Camp’s motto?

"Take back the stolen; avenge the lost."

Language - What languages are spoken in Rebellion Camp?

Kalastrin, M'Bago, a smattering of other languages

Population - What is Rebellion Camp’s population?

Varies, but a lot. Basically the whole army.

Currency - What currencies are used in Rebellion Camp?

Gold, silver

Laws - What are the laws in Rebellion Camp?

  1. No barbarism

  2. No murder

Sports - What sports are played in Rebellion Camp?

No official ones, though many of the soldiers have impromptu games.

business Cities
map Geography
Crops - What crops does Rebellion Camp produce?


Area - What kind of area is Rebellion Camp in?

Near Toathe, with woods nearby, and a stream

Located at - Where is Rebellion Camp located?

A grassy area behind/near Askar Mufi's house, there are woods nearly all the way around it, and a stream nearby.

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Rebellion Camp been involved in?

None, except this one

Established Year - When was Rebellion Camp established?


Founding Story - How was Rebellion Camp founded?

Army started forming there

history Changelog
edit Notes

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