info Overview
Name - What is Shalik named?


forum Characteristics
Spoken Characteristics

Shalik is a sign language that originally evolved as an encoding of Shtyl, but soon became its own language and no longer translates neatly. It enables its speakers, primarily water Dragons and sea Drakes, to communicate efficiently underwater.

Gestures are primarily made with the front claws. Some involve touching the webbing between the speaker's fingers.

"Shalik" is a Shtyl word that literally translates to "water gesture," and is only used by foreigners. Shalik has no spoken portion outside of signing; to refer to the language in the language itself, one should hold their right hand palm-down in front of their mouth, and wiggle their fingers.

Written Characteristics

There have been a few attempts to encode Shalik in written form, but none have caught on more than simply using written Shtyl. Learning to write is usually reserved for higher ranking members of a clan, or those who interact with other species more regularly.

book Vocabulary
edit Notes

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