info Overview

Ice Beetle (WIP)

Type of creature - What type of animal is Ice Beetle (WIP)?


Description - How would you describe a Ice Beetle (WIP)?

On [this world], blizzards also drop beetle eggs (see [TK link] for why), which hatch about a day after freezing (as they do covered in the blizzard's snow) into large, crystalline beetles that lurk underneath the snow looking for anything warm they can find.

pets Looks
Color - What colors does a Ice Beetle (WIP) come in?

Clear body, white head

Materials - What materials (feathers, scales, etc) is Ice Beetle (WIP) made of?

[TK needs research]

  • Weave in some kind of nerdy lattice crystalline structure, just to get some biology/chemistry knowledge that 1. delights people who like that kind of science, and 2. makes the beetle feel more "real" by tying it to some real-world science

  • Could have them get more efficient at everything (e.g. "superhuman" versions) as their genetic structure gets closer to a perfect lattice, to weave in some fun genetic algorithms knowledge.

Notable features - What physical features are most notable for Ice Beetle (WIP)?

This beetle dips its two front arms in liquid water and then holds them straight out until the water freezes into a sickle shape, which can be used to burrow with or attack prey. If the frozen weapon thaws or chips too much, they immediately renew it with fresh water.

Also notably (and, similarly), this beetle can emit approximately 500Mfk of heat directed downward from the center of its body for a short duration of time. It uses this "heater" to melt just enough nearby snow whenever it's thirsty or needs to refresh its frozen weaponry.

Size - How big (or small) is the usual Ice Beetle (WIP)?

Can range from very small (about the size of a grain of rice) to very large (about the size of a full-grown rat).

fingerprint Traits
Aggressiveness - How aggressive is the average Ice Beetle (WIP)?

Only ever aggressive in the presence of heat, at which point becomes extremely aggressive and suffers from a literal 0.1mm of tunnel-vision.

Method of attack - What methods does a Ice Beetle (WIP) use to attack?

Using frozen appendages made by intentionally freezing drips of water (off its arms) into particular shapes, this beetle often uses them to puncture their prey. After the prey is dead, the ice melts and softens the nearby carapace/skin; this often opens up a vector toward the deepest innards of its prey, which this beetle greatly prefer when eating.

To that end, Ice Beetles are also extremely fast soft-tissue eaters and burrowers (which is admittedly not surprising, since they use the same mandibles).

[TK is mandibles the right word here?]

location_on Habitat
Herding patterns - What herd patterns does Ice Beetle (WIP) have?

Since heat is a scarce resource, these beetles are generally loners and prefer not to be around others. However, the heat emitted from each beetle's body when they melt snow is enough to let each other beetle nearby know where they are: the beetles like to keep their competitors close so they can rush in to steal any warmth they happen to find.

Occasionally, snow beetles have been known to heatscavenge in groups of 2, sharing space equally in the heat source(s) they find.

Food sources - Where does Ice Beetle (WIP) find its food?

Only needs water to survive. Eats snow while burrowing through snow.

Preferred habitat - What kind of habitat is best for Ice Beetle (WIP)?

Snow / blizzard settings

Reproductive patterns - How does Ice Beetle (WIP) reproduce?

Reproduction is done through poop

Migratory patterns - Does Ice Beetle (WIP) have any migratory patterns?

The Ice Beetle rarely lives long enough to go far after a blizzard, but are perpetually looking for any heat, anywhere, and have been known to chase a running mouse for 25 miles before dying itself.

Their excrement contains a copy of their DNA implanted onto some mixture of minerals that have a small chance to create life (another Ice Beetle) when rejoining in the presence all parts (e.g. some poops might have Chemical A, some have Chemical B, and some have Chemical C & D). As the snow melts and the water evaporates, these chemicals are carried up into the sky and die shortly after, unless they remain to be in a snowy atmosphere.

Eggs fall on snowflakes, where they are then buried and begin their hatching process. Sometimes eggs will be in the air when a blizzard forms, where they fall down in much greater quantities and in a higher-frequency of in-storm reproduction cycles (resulting in much larger populations)..

call_split Comparisons
Similar creatures - What other creatures is Ice Beetle (WIP) most like?

Cousin to Egypt's Scarabs of Way Back Yonder

bubble_chart Classification
history Changelog
edit Notes
timeline evolution
scatter_plot Reproduction

This creature was created by Andrew Brown on

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