info Overview
Name - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s full name?

Xavier Haddix Carroll

Role - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s role in your story?

Lovable Rogue

Other names - What other aliases does Xavier Haddix Carroll go by?

Xav, Carroll, That piece of dither-trash,

Gender - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s gender?


Age - How old is Xavier Haddix Carroll?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Xavier Haddix Carroll weigh?


Height - How tall is Xavier Haddix Carroll?


Hair Color - What color is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Xavier Haddix Carroll style their hair?

short Ponytail w undercut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?


Eye Color - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s eye color?

fiery orange

Race - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s race?

Human with a little elf in his ancestry.

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Scar on left cheek

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Constant beeping due to an ankle monitor. Flicks nose a lot when he talks.

Motivations - What motivates Xavier Haddix Carroll most?

Guilt of a wrongful death of a loved one. Mistake he made.

Flaws - What flaws does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Made a mistake that resulted in a death of his father. Guilt follows him ever since.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Has an eat the rich mentality

Talents - What talents does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

picking locks, disarming traps, engineering, weapon analysis and repair.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Engineering and weapon upgrading.

Personality type - What personality type is Xavier Haddix Carroll?

sarcastic and snarky

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Xavier Haddix Carroll practice?


Politics - What politics does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Is an anarchist.

Occupation - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s occupation?

Petty crime and theft.

Favorite color - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s favorite color?

Orange is his favorite color

Favorite food - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s favorite food?

anything chocolate

Favorite possession - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s favorite possession?

a silver dagger his father gave him. it is inscribed with the runes of luck and mischief.

Favorite weapon - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s favorite animal?

Snakes and Dithers.

Job - What job does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

Petty thief

date_range History
Birthday - When is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s birthday?


Education - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s level of education?

Self taught high school education, wishes to pursue college degree in engineering.

Background - What is Xavier Haddix Carroll’s background?

Father was killed in an accident caused by him when he was little, raised as an orphan until escaped to ive on the streets and do petty crime.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Xavier Haddix Carroll have?

He doesn't have any pets although he wishes he had a snake

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Sam on

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