info Overview
Name - What is Quietus’s full name?


Age - How old is Quietus?


Gender - What is Quietus’s gender?

Appears to be Male

Other names - What other aliases does Quietus go by?

Goes by many names, the main one he uses is the one given to him by the god he is loyal to

Role - What is Quietus’s role in your story?

Servant to the God of Death

face Looks
Race - What is Quietus’s race?


Hair Color - What color is Quietus’s hair?

What is seen of it, appears to be black

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Quietus have?

Often seen wearing a mask, so exact features are unknown

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Quietus?

Quietus is generally a gentle figure. Though there are times he may seem a bit blunt
He knows many fear him, and they all have the right to

groups Social
info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes


Faithful servant to the God of Death; Silencio
Raised the Reaper Dragons Mortality & Vokun'viing

folder_open Powers/Abilities

Shapeshift - Has the ability to take several creature forms, as well his human form
Favored form is that of a large raven

As a Servant to the god of death, Quietus has reaping capabilities
Though he only ever takes souls ready to pass on to the next world. Those who try to avoid death, are hunted down by Quietus or the reaper dragons

folder_open Favorite Quotes/Excerpts

"I am he who waits patiently for your time to come. I am the whispers you hear as your eyes close for the final time. On black wings of shadows I soar through the darkness. Do not fear me child, take my hand so that I may guide you to the light."

"Why do you continue to run? Death is inevitable, no matter how many times you try to elude me. Please, let go. I can take you somewhere safe, where you will no longer have to run."

"You have forced me to deal my hand. Forgive me, but your time is upon you."

The strange bird seemingly blinked, then cawed, flapping its wings. Its form started to grow, taking shape. A male figure floated in the raven's place, hidden gaze watching.

"Sadness yes, but without these sad moments, there would be no balance between grief and happiness. Life is fleeting, many are blessed with ignorance until their time finally runs dry."

The dark figure's gaze shifted over to the scene happening between Damon, Zaric, Fuego, and Farah. He remained floating in place.

"I have simply come for the child's soul. I had originally come for Damon's, but the High One has different plans, as well as a request from another. However, for the High One to suddenly show interest, it will be intriguing to see how this will play out."

The stranger said not another word. Instead, his form once again shrunk, taking flight as a raven. The bird took off, flying low, chasing after the sand swirling in the breeze.


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