info Overview
Name - What is Camden Nightstorm’s full name?

Camden Nightstorm

Age - How old is Camden Nightstorm?

Late 30s

Gender - What is Camden Nightstorm’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Camden Nightstorm go by?

Kas the Bloody Handed

Role - What is Camden Nightstorm’s role in your story?

My player character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Camden Nightstorm’s eye color?

Dark violet

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Camden Nightstorm have?


Hair Style - How does Camden Nightstorm style their hair?

Short, wavy

Hair Color - What color is Camden Nightstorm’s hair?


Height - How tall is Camden Nightstorm?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Camden Nightstorm have?

The darkness in and around his eyes as a result of being possessed by Kas.

Body Type

Thickly muscled, athletic

Weight - How much does Camden Nightstorm weigh?

200 lbs

Skin Tone


Race - What is Camden Nightstorm’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Camden Nightstorm have?


Motivations - What motivates Camden Nightstorm most?

Power, compulsion

Flaws - What flaws does Camden Nightstorm have?


Talents - What talents does Camden Nightstorm have?

Fighting and bloodlust

Hobbies - What hobbies does Camden Nightstorm have?

Petty theft

Personality type - What personality type is Camden Nightstorm?

Ruthless, evil, dark, sometimes creative.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Camden Nightstorm’s favorite food?

Steak and Potatoes

Favorite animal - What is Camden Nightstorm’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Camden Nightstorm’s favorite weapon?

The Blade of Kas

Favorite possession - What is Camden Nightstorm’s favorite possession?

The Blade of Kas

Favorite color - What is Camden Nightstorm’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Camden Nightstorm’s occupation?

Warlord and Traveler

Politics - What politics does Camden Nightstorm have?

He wants to impose his rule on as much land as possible, like Vecna of old did.

Religion - What religion does Camden Nightstorm practice?

He deeply reveres Kas the Bloody Handed and considers him a patron saint.

info History
Education - What is Camden Nightstorm’s level of education?


Background - What is Camden Nightstorm’s background?

He grew up as a street urchin, trying to steal money or beg for food. As he came across the black market, he was hooked on exploring that lifestyle. One day, he found a man with a black sword hanging in his stall. The sword spoke with him, and he knew he had to have it. He murdered the vendor and claimed the Blade of Kas as his own. From then, he spent years communing with the sword, becoming attuned with its evil aura. He became convinced that the world was broken, and needed an iron-fisted ruler to lord over the commons and the cities. His bloodlust would grow in accordance to the desires of the sword. Over time, he conquered small hamlets and towns, for practice.

Birthday - When is Camden Nightstorm’s birthday?

April 24

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

I don't think I ever played as him


This character was created by Bjorin on

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