info Overview
Name - What is Sarha Thren’s full name?

Sarha Thren

Gender - What is Sarha Thren’s gender?


Role - What is Sarha Thren’s role in your story?

Lorrehlyl's second in command and probably her closest friend.



face Looks
Height - How tall is Sarha Thren?


Hair Color - What color is Sarha Thren’s hair?

Strawberry blonde

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Race - What is Sarha Thren’s race?

Sun native

Hair Style - How does Sarha Thren style their hair?

Pulled back.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Sarha Thren’s occupation?

Mage-lieutenant to General Lorrehlyl Hazen in the Army of the Brightened Sun.

Religion - What religion does Sarha Thren practice?

Common mythology of her people. Prefers not to think about religion and its connotations.

info History
device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Madi on

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