info Overview
Name - What is Dominic Lavigne’s full name?

Dominic Lavigne

Full Name

Dominic Seamus Lupin Lavigne III


You can tell how close you are to Dominic by what name he has you use as his nickname. Nic or Nicky is what he goes by with friends.

Age - How old is Dominic Lavigne?




Occupation - What is Dominic Lavigne’s occupation?

Gentleman Thief & General Rogue

Played By:


face Looks
Height - How tall is Dominic Lavigne?

5 FT 9 IN

Body Type


Eye Color - What is Dominic Lavigne’s eye color?

Soft Blue

Hair Color - What color is Dominic Lavigne’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Dominic Lavigne style their hair?

He tends to keep it longer, generally to his chin, and pins it back if it annoys him.


Lots across his arms and back. Each one has a story that he'll happily tell you in extensive detail... but stick around him long enough and you'll soon here five radically different stories all about the same tattoo, so 9 times out of 10, the story is total bullshit.


He has two cartilage piercings on his left ear and a single, small gold hoop on his right.


Exactly what you think a swashbuckling pirate/adventurous rogue would wear. Stereotypical, in fact. He is fastidious about keeping them as clean as possible because "presentation is everything" as he would say.

Identifying Marks/Scars

He has lash scars across his back, welt scars along the backs of his thighs, and one serious scar that curves along his right rib. The rest are relatively minor stabs and cuts and again he will tell you a different story each time for each one.

fingerprint Personality
all_inclusive Characterization
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date_range History
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edit Notes & Fun Facts

This character was created by Luna Mora on

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