forum hey guys I've got a one
Started by @Leo-Valdez-Is-The-God-Of-Chaos

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so I wanted to do a remix of an old classic, some kind of tale of the high seas, but I've run into a few complications:
1) I don't know which one to do
2) I haven't read any of them
3) I don't have time to read all of them
4) I have time to read one (1)

so I was thinking either Treasure Island, Moby Dick, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, or A High Wind in Jamaica.
has anyone read any of these, or have a different suggestion?

@Alayna group

I have read Treasure Island, Moby Dick, and a dumbed down version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ( I read it in a children’s story collection when I was like 8 XD But I do remember it a bit) So Treasure Island is always fun but be careful to not copy Treasure Planet, that long forgotten Disney movie ( 10/10 would recommend )
I do think a Moby Dick remix would be really cool, I’d say if you don’t want to actually read it ( it is very long and mind numbing in parts ) go and find a summary ( i usually use SparkNotes ) As for other suggestions, I’ll see if I can find some more classics you could do. 😺


Sorry if I didn't make it clear that what I was looking for was one set out in the high seas, but that was kinda what I was hoping for.
(I agree that treasure planet was an excellent movie, one it my favorites when I was younger.)
Also, I will read moby dick over the summer, but for now I'm a little tied up in school reading.

@Alayna group

Oooooh XD I do have a suggestion then, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
I read it in school, it’s technically a YA book but I really liked it. Definitely a high seas adventure.