forum Kirby?
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Deleted user

The little pink puff ball of adorablness is going to inhale your entire house then smile adorably as you have no life anymore. He brutally (by that I mean inhales) murders any harmless creature that crosses his path, Kirby will swallow the entire world for a piece of cake. Don’t test him, he will do it. It’s also implied by his creator that he’s the strongest character in all of Nintendo…. so… yeah….

Deleted user

I remember when I was 10 I got a Kirby game. It was a couple days before my birthday, and my mom bought me this weird monster high game, I opened the case being suprised to see that the cartridge wasn’t inside, instead replaced with a different Monster High game. I was really upset about it… my mom felt bad so she took me to GameStop, where we were aloud to get another game at that price or under the price (which was like 12 dollars,) and I looked around, first I picked a Pokèmon game but it didn’t have the cartridge inside it. So I looked in this glass container that had some DS game in it, my eye locked onto a game. Kirby Superstar Ultra (favorite game in the series). I begged my mom to get it, it was 2 dollars over the 12 limit, and she sighed, nodding her head yes, as she gave the man two extra dollars. I was so happy, when I got home I put it into my DS immediately and began to play it. Sad to say I lost it two years later, BUT my mom let me order some games off amazon for tax time and that was one of the games, I’m very excited to get it!

Deleted user

Kirby Superstar Ultra is on the Nintendo DS, one of my favorite consoles/handhelds of all time.

Deleted user

It’s a basic remake but it adds more game modes and stuff! I recommend it to anyone who loves Kirby platformers.

Deleted user

King Dedede is the name you should know, Dedede is the king of the show.

Deleted user

The review sites I use for shows said it’s only 100, but I guess I was wrong….

Deleted user

Jus gonna…. Drop this here.

Have fun.

Already watched it before, and I love it so much.