forum Premium Prices?
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people_alt 57 followers

Deleted user

I was looking at the premium plan out of curiosity and am a little confused by the prices.
There are three different prices and as far as I can tell they all have the same benefits?
I am rather new to the site so if anyone could explain I would appreciate it

@tungsten fastfood

One is billed monthly, one is billed trimonthly, and the other is billed annually. It just depends on how much money you want to spend.
But if you are to have it be billed trimonthly or annually, you have to take into account how many months that is.
For monthly you'd pay 9 dollars every month.
If you want the trimonthly plan, you'd be paying about 24 bucks for three months on that plan up front.
For the yearly plan, you'd be paying, up front, 84 dollars, but be covered for twelve months. Overall 84 dollars is cheaper and more worth it if you really like the site and want more options.
Hope that makes sense.