forum Collaborators Unable to create anything under premium pages.
Started by @KingLeemur

people_alt 71 followers


I have a Premium subscription, but my collabs cannot create anything on the premium pages. They can unlock the pages but not make them. They did use the universe tag as well. The only thing I can correlate this too is that when I sent them the invite, I always got a 505 error, but they were listed as invited. They signed up manually without ever receiving any email. They have access to the universe, just not able to create those pages. Any help would be great!

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hi again, just wanted to give you a heads up that this should all be working now. You somehow were able to add two of the same collaborator, which might've caused an issue (and probably caused the errors you were seeing while trying to send invites), but I removed the duplicate collaborator and double-checked that each of your collaborators all now have the permissions they need to create premium pages in your shared universe.

However, I do want to mention that two of your collaborators aren't yet linked to an account on, which could also point to another issue: if they signed up for an account with a different email than the one invited, their account won't link properly. If they're still having any issues, I would recommend making sure that the email address you invited is the one they used to sign up for an account with (and if not, inviting the email address they used on their account). You can also send me an email to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) with a link to their profile and I can double-check that their account is linked to the collaborator invitation manually, too.

Please do let me know if you're still having any issues and I can dig in further, but my tests show it working for all of your collaborators now! Thanks for letting me know about this issue!


Thank you! I'll let them know to give it a try. Thanks so much for the help!


Hi. It looks like the issue is still happening. The problem is with the two that have linked their accounts. I tried removing one of them and sending a new invite. They received the email this time and tried to make a page again but I'm still not seeing it.