forum my story updates: i need your guys's help
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 55 followers

Deleted user

i got the begginings of a story, i need help with plot/character development bc all i have is ideas to torture the characters… i'm really evil and i love/hate it.

Deleted user

what i need is help with adding smaller events, like stories and things like that. and honestly, i'm still on the "outlining." you know, determining characters and whatnot.

Genie Z

ah- i get that. what i find helpful when i'm stuck trying to figure out smaller events is to develop the land. i don't know if it'll work for you, but try to think of things that happen in your world, things that you character(s) will be able to do. it can be practicing their swordsmanship or riding on a roller coaster depending on your genre, but the general idea remains the same.

Deleted user

thx! honestly, i've had this thread up for a bit and didn't expect anyone to post here. so truly, thank you!