forum The dark side of the moon ( necromancer RP, gay? Romance if wanted )
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@CaseyJ group

Felix was sitting in class, although it hadn't started yet he didn't want to be late, nor come in after other people. He had sat in the far back corner, to try to keep attention away from himself. Felix was what you could call shy, not because he didn't like being around people, he just didn't like people. He was taking the night class because he figured less people would be there.

Deleted user

Kryo eventually showed up, sitting a row in front of Felix. He yawned and set his head down until class would start. His brown hair fell across his shoulder.

@CaseyJ group

Felix watched Kyro curiously, sure being in night class could be tiring, as it is during night, but shouldn't one sleep during the day. He shrugged at himself.

Deleted user

Kryo had always been up during the day. He was taught to never rest when practicing his powers.

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Kyro lifted his head up tapping on the boys desk “ dude, Please” he signed half annoyed. Kryo was already fighting through fatigue and a headache and now he was sitting in front of a kid who did the most annoying thing.

@CaseyJ group

Felix's face turned red in a blush as he immediately stopped tapping his pencil "s-sorry" he said sinking lower in his chair in attempt to hide.

Deleted user

Kyro nodded and sat straight up as the teacher called to attention. Only three to four students. Kryo took notes, their design was everything eye-catching. Bright colors, designs and things that would allow him to study and remember easily.

@CaseyJ group

Felix sighed, glad that no one was paying attention to him as he started to doodle over his notes, he took them neatly and then covered them in doodles without realizing it.

Deleted user

Kyro sighed when the teacher handed out papers and two sheets of homework. “ great. Staying up longer tonight“ he signed to himself tiredly. He got up once class was over, looking at the man's notes “ dude, how do you read those?

@CaseyJ group

Felix blushed a bit and looked down at his notes, "oh…I uh..guess I won't…' he muttered, having not realized he had drawn all over them.

Deleted user

Kyro sighed and set his notes down on top of his “ here, I just need them back tomorrow.” he signed and looked down to the teacher.

Deleted user

yeah, it's not like I need them, I've got everything stored up here!” he pointed up to his head and smiled a sharp canine-toothed smile.

Deleted user

Kryo nodded, he tapped the boy's desk again and signed “wanna hang out sometime? You seem fun.