forum An invitation to a trade
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Deleted user

Asra shook his head, “ then how bout this?” He asked and leaned in to kiss his new alpha

Deleted user

Sara flushed and turned his head away “ nothing..” he said half embarrassed

Deleted user

Asra gave into the kiss easily, putting his hand into D’Arcys free one.

Deleted user

Asra let the alpha do as it please, slipping his legs around the others waist.

Deleted user

Asra gave a soft whine, hesitantly sliding off his alpha. “ mm,,”

Deleted user

Sara knew the voice, sinking lower into the couch. His arms wrapped around himself as he kept completely quiet

Deleted user

Asras head piped up, just enough to look at the two but not be seen

Deleted user

Asra flinched a bit before getting up and walking to his alpha

Deleted user

“ I don’t need an alpha anymore. Thank you for worrying” his pale grey eyes left no question for the other alpha