forum So..I need help with this race
Started by Drek

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So basically, I'm making a race called 'Florids'. They're essentially people based off flowers, similar to the gems of Steven Universe. I have a list of flowers I wanna do but I'm confused on what they look like and what they even are. Are they a new type of elf? Are they evolved from plants themselves? Are they just special, colourful humans? Idk what to go with. Feel free to ask any questions, cause I'm sure this probably made no sense.


For one thing, how do they eat? Are they photosynthetic or carnivorous?

How do they reproduce? Is it pollen-based like regular plants and flowers can be pollinated by other flowers on the same plant (like two different roses on the same rosebush), or is it the… uh… conventional way?

If you've ever played Pikmin, the Pikmin are basically evolved plants that gained a form of sentience. They photosynthesize, but they take dead creatures or other forms of nutrients back to their Onion (a storage house/breeding ground) for it to pop out Pikmin seeds. You could base your Florids off of that?

What flowers did you have in mind, anyway?


Well, here’s the list of flowers:

  • Roses
  • Carnations
  • Tulips
  • Daffodils
  • Violets
  • Orchids
  • Peonies
  • Nightshades
  • Lillies
  • Lilacs
  • Daisies
  • Irises
  • Cherry Blossems
  • Hibiscuses
  • Sunflowers
    Each type of flower has a different role in society, but that’s not important rn. Honestly I’m not sure how they reproduce, I just now came up with this race a few days back so I haven’t been able to think about it yet. I like the pollination idea though. They eat a plant called ‘Solitrus’ or Solar Fruit. Basically it’s sunlight turned into physical food. I hope that provides the answers you wanted. ^^


OOH! I just had a great idea! Given the fact that your Florids would have to pollinate to reproduce, they would also produce fruit with seeds. Those seeds would grow into more Florids, but you'd have to figure out the whole "planting and growing" process. I'd imagine they'd be taken to a heavily-guarded greenhouse, and they'd have the sentience of Baby Groot until they just pull their feet out of the dirt and run to their parents.

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If you are still working on this, I would like to add a bit.

For how they would look, did you want them more humanoid or more plant-like?
For humanoid, they could have their 'hair' as petals, leaves, their flower they are based growing from the back of their head (like their face being the receptacle (the green bulb part of the stem the flower bloom sits)), or even their flower petals growing from their neck and their head being in the middle.
Haha, with the last two, the female pistil and male stamen could be on top of their heads. I can see these beings not really 'kissing' but occasionally putting their foreheads together as their form of endearment and/or reproduction if they wanted. (And if that's what you want them to do, they could be appalled by seeing other races kissing all the time, haha.)

For a more plant-like form, they could have a snake-like body of roots to move around, or more bulbous with multiple little tendril root feet.
It would also be interesting to flip them around, roots making up their head, arms, legs (any amount or none of those if you wish) and then their petals making up kind of like a tail, side fringe, or growing out of their back.

If you are confused on any of these suggestions, let me know and I can sketch them up!


In other words, do you want them to look more like Groot and Roserade or Audrey II (from Little Shop of Horrors)?