forum Angels = dwarves?
Started by @Reblod flag

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@Reblod flag

In my world, I try to stay away from the more cliche races with the exception of elves although they have my own twist which isn't relevant.
So my angels are pretty much the replacement for dwarves in a way. Mostly, they're on average shorter than other races but they could be shorter and that's what I'm here about. Usually, angels are about 5 feet to 5 and 5 inches -ish. I've been wondering if I should make them shorter.
Like some dwarves, they're a warrior war-faring race but with wings. They're also very light in opposed to dwarves that are usually kind of heavy. So is it practical to make angels any shorter?
Maybe not as short as dwarves but not as tall. Possibly 4,10" - 5,2"?


If we're talking flight dynamics here, they'd have to be short and thin with big wings like you said, so I don't see much of an issue with making them short. If anything, that opens up a lot of jokes for things like "Oh, you act so high and mighty for someone who barely reaches my stomach!"

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I agree with @Yamatsu, short/small is good for flying creatures because it means less weight. Just make sure their wings stay pretty big and strong and I think you've got it made. Also I think your concept does a nice job of breaking stereotypes since dwarven races are usually cave-dwelling and/or afraid of heights, so kudos. ^^ Good luck deciding!

Deleted user

I've just started writing stuff for my universe, but I have a race that are shorter than most other races, generally no taller than 4'6.
This race is also more magic-based where dwarves are more strength.
I love when something pops up in a movie or comic that defies fantasy cliches and that what I'm trying to do with my project too.

I love your idea of angels being a dwarf replacement; like the others said, making them small(er) would free up a lot of story development and comments.
The angels being a warrior race, other races wouldn't take them so seriously as they are shorter unless they've seen them in action.

@Reblod flag

Right, forgot to reply to these

Your comments are all really helpful. I like to think since angels are one of the more powerful and ancient races, they hear all these terrifying and legendary stories but then they meet one in real life and its just like 'How's the weather down there?'
And then they get blown 100 metres into the air.

So my short, winged, storm-summoning warriors. They will be a joy to write, thank you all for your input!