forum Is this possible?
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Deleted user

I sometimes write sci-fy stuff and I got this alien planet that is supussed to have red-ish or purple vegetation, it has lots of water, the biggest continent is the size of Central America, has lots of islands, big amounts of oxygen and less gravity, Im not the best at giving scientific explanations but apparently a red dwarf star would probably give plants of any color but I alo read that they would lool black, since the planet has two suns and trhee moons (imagine them like Mars' moons) would y make a differencd or would it even be possible, if so, how would it affect the planet or how I can change that so someting that is at least close to what I have in mind? Sorry if this is long or complicates, I'll still doing research on my own but maybe someone has a better answer than google…

Deleted user

Hey! I think I can answer your question. There's a lot I wanna say so sorry if this is kind of long.
So as for the weaker gravity, all you would need for that to exist is a smaller planet. And if the planet were smaller, then it would make sense that the biggest continent is about the size of Central America. So we're off to a good start.
The oxygen-rich air seems like something that would happen by chance when the planet was made, so I see no problems with that.
As for the red dwarf star, I actually think you stumbled across something pretty cool. Red dwarf stars burn much colder than our sun, at about 6,500 degrees Fahrenheit. But, assuming that the stars are about the same distance away as our sun, if there were two of them, it would add up to about 13,000 degrees, which is around the temperature that our sun burns. Also, the thing about the plants is completely plausible, especially with the red dwarfs.
As for the moons, I don't see any problems with it. Mars' moons are actually irregularly shaped so it would be cool to have that in the night sky. Not to mention moons are kind of important when it comes to having life on planets, especially ones with water.
So yeah, I think this planet is completely possible.
If there's more oxygen, there are probably gonna be some gigantic bugs. Just saying.

Deleted user

Thank you! As for the giant bug that was the idea behind the lots of oxygen :D