forum Watch The World Decay (7/7)
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Astrid sauntered through the crowd, feeligneyes upon her even as she walked. She smirked, but didn’t spare the people a glance, making her way along the road.

Deleted user

Great. They're here. Xymara makes an audible sigh, shaking her head as would a dog. She then raised a hoof in caution, keeping an eye on the mortal. Her irises were a gleaming silver.

(Oof sorry! I had to leave for the summer and I don't think I told you guys! I'm really sorry I didn't mean for this to die and I swear I'm sorry… (I'm really sorry and I'm trying to be as sincere as I can be typing this!))

Deleted user

"If you have a human form, could you please get in it? I don't mean to be rude but it's very hard to talk to an animal, no matter how beautiful." Galen asked, trying to be as polite as possible as he let the branch slowly hit the ground.

Deleted user

Xymara flinched. He knows? She began to think, but it was easy to figure out. Mortals don't really encounter an oddly-colored mammal. Besides, he'd shown signs of abnormality, least in mortal standards.
In a quick burst of light, she materialized in her humanoid form, a medium-sized brunette with dull silver eyes.
"Hello," she said, a bit timid-not used to interacting with mortals. "I'm Xymara."