forum what kind of vibe does this location give off??
Started by @reid

people_alt 14 followers


It feels like the perfect place for a mystery or horror story, though it's on the west coast instead of the east like most. I love the picture you have for it.


sweet ok!! that's about the whole vibe i was going for, so! thank u!!! (for the picture i just googled foggy town lol)

gamerboy11116 Premium Supporter

I really like it. The Motto is almost like something out of a Dystopian Future. I can picture the foggy evenings. Incredibly dark, faint traces of violet in the sky, the only real signs it wasn't midnight, a lighthouse barely peaking through the fog off into the water, which was lapping onto the stony beach, silently… when suddenly, a scream rings out.

Perfect setting. And Washington State is the best location for it, too. Mystery/Horror. I love the name.


I like it, but I'm unsure of Spanish being a common language all the way up in Washington State, especially since Canada is right next door and they speak French. Russian and Vietnamese I could totally see, however. Good job overall!