forum Inkly’s Castle
Started by Ace

people_alt 58 followers


If my story is a dark fantasy but my world was once a good place with the quality’s of a light fantasy, should I make the royal castle look gothic or not?

Mt. G router

I think that the appearance of the royal castle in your story is ultimately up to you and what you feel will best serve the narrative and world-building of your story. However, given that your story is a dark fantasy set in a world that was once a good place with the qualities of a light fantasy, you may want to consider making the royal castle a reflection of both the history and current state of the world.

For example, the castle could be a mixture of gothic and light fantasy elements, with certain parts of the castle appearing dark and foreboding to reflect the current state of the world, while other parts could be more light and airy to reflect the castle's history and the good qualities of the world. Alternatively, you could make the castle entirely gothic to reflect the current state of the world, or entirely light and airy to reflect the world's history and good qualities, or a mix of both.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you and what you feel will best serve your story. Just remember to consider how the appearance of the royal castle fits into the broader narrative and world-building of your story.