forum Passions of the Hidden// OxO //Closed
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

Any moment now. Sure this was something that he trained for in the military, but oh how he dreaded for this to begin. He really wasn't sure why Sachs was making him do such a thing, especially since having him in the same area as the secret forces is already posing a threat as it is. While he waited, he pressed the ear piece, listening in to what the command was saying from nearby. From his past experiences, they were all hidden in buildings close by.

«Enemy should be arriving at any given moment now,» He heard a captain say into the earpiece. He also heard the muffled sound of an engine near. The trucks. Oh no. Antony rolled his left wrist, hearing as it made a small crack sound. On his wrist, he wore a small tech watch; one that Sachs likes to wear. Checking the time, it was practically midnight, yet he did not see anyone through the scope. It would not be a smart idea to go from his assigned area, but he knew that once the rebels hear a single sound, they would attack then try to escape.

Out of nowhere, he felt a tapping sensation on his wrist. It was Sachs using morse code. ".- -. -.– - …. .. -. –. ..–.." (Anything?) Sachs tapped. A soft sigh left Antony's lips as he moved his elbows. Keeping his left hand on the rifle, he took a quick peek through the scope before using the other to press back. "-. — .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- -. — - …. .. -. –." (No…Nothing)

Shaking his head, he got back into position. The dreaded feeling left his chest aching. Was it worry? Fear? Eagerness? He didn't know what to call it. For once, he was unsure about himself and how this will all play out.


Hating this part of the walk, the group collectively paused before walking into the extremely exposing boulevard, lit from every angle
and obvious against the golden-washed pavement. They made their way towards the building as fast as they could, without seeming suspicious and while dragging the heavy bags of weapons and ammunition with them. Their usual delivery system had been broken since Mr. C had died– so many contacts had gone into hiding. Dorota, her priceless right-hand woman and errand boy Lewis had been left the task.
They needed to get these supplies into the building. They were intercepting a government car in a handful of hours, a mission impossible without the required weaponry.
They were just a few feet from the doors. So close.

@knightinadream group

In his scope, he picked up three people walking to the address mentioned, but he wasn't the only who noticed. Pressing on the earpiece, Antony listened in on the secret service soldiers. The soldiers were all in position, ready to pounce on the rebels. He was only to see a few through his scope, but he knew the location of most since they had to report their positions and status. Despite knowing most of the soldiers' plan, he had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. His plan shouldn't give him such a sensation. Planning things that are crucial and critical on the spot is just part of his job. While Sachs did develop this one, he still had faith in it.

Antony shook his head. Now was not the time to let his thoughts wander around. Really he should not be thinking such things while on a mission, especially when anything could happen to him or the mission right now. Squinting, he kept looking through the scope, watching as the little group of people went on to walk for a bit then stopped. He noticed how some cautiously looked around before going back to walking. They even carried heavy bags too.

He really could not do anything until he got the signal from Sachs, wherever the old man was. All it would take is one fire then the surrounding area would dive into chaos. Fire. He felt the watch that he wore begin to vibrate. It didn't emit a message, but rather just randomly vibrate. Antony took a deep breath as he wrapped his finger around the trigger. The rifle was point so that it missed the rebels but would hit some place like a building, window, or car. Only a few seconds went by till he went and squeezed the trigger.


Dorota picked up the whistle of the bullet before it even hit the wall behind her with a crash so loud that Lewis fell over in front of her. Her reaction and Yasmin's were immediate; both women crouched as low as they could and sprinted for safety, Yasmin grabbing Lewis's bag and Dorota grabbing Lewis's arm as they went, dragging both bag and boy forward with them until the armoured doors opened in front of them and they tumbled in.
Dorota dropped everything she was carrying and ran for the crowd shivering with anticipation. She got up on a table pushed up against the wall in the large otherwise empty room and whistled for attention.
"Relocation, code 1800," she yelled. "Tier 3 grab one gun each and Tier 2 grab whatever weapons are left and Yasmin will take you to the nearest safe house. Tier 5 arm yourselves accordingly and stick with me. Tier 1, scatter, find your own way to the safehouse– the address is with Tier 5. Tier 4, grab all maps and documents, run, and don't you dare get caught. Everyone is to be at the safehouse in 40 minutes, no delay allowed. You will be left behind if you are not on time for the debrief. Everybody go!"
Everyone knew what to do when relocation was necessary- follow orders quickly and cleanly. Within five minutes the only people left were Dorota and about 20 soldiers, armed to the teeth.
She examined them. "Hide your weapons. We're stopping at the pickup location first to make up for lost time." She turned her back to them without another word and led them into dark hallway after dark hallway, finally finding their way out to the streets through a loading dock. "Three groups, pickup location in 15!" she hissed at them, and everyone went on their way.

@knightinadream group

And just as planned, the chaos ensued. Antony was not really surprised as to what happened next. He heard the sounds of the secret soldiers' trucks opening, following with the stomps of combat boots. Then there was the whistle that blared in his ears. Once everything had begun, he turned the volume of his ear piece up before he got ready to go down on the ground level.

While his ear piece only picked up the feed from the secret soldiers, Sachs was hiding somewhere trying to listen in on the rebels. His bracelet hasn't gone off yet; either that means Sachs is still trying to work the feed or something has happened. He really hoped that nothing would happen to him or Sachs, but he knows that they will be fine after this is over. They went over the plan for what felt like a million times before it all started. Nevertheless, Antony still has a bad feeling about this.

Right as he climbed down the latter, his bracelet started to vibrate. ".-. . -… . .-.. … .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-. . - .-. . .- - .. -. –. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- ..-. — .-.. .-.. — .–" ("Rebels…retreating…Follow") He stood for a mere second before sighing. There wasn't enough time for him to respond to it, so he just strapped his rifle then ran over to another building. It was not long enough before he located some of the members of the Purple Infantry. He picked out one in particular who was leading some into an alley. Without hesitation, he started to follow them from a distance.


Dorota weaved her way expertly through back alleys, the small group of elites shuffling along behind her. She sighed through gritted teeth as they neared the meeting point. Who the hell had betrayed their meet? There was obviously a leak, because without a willing accomplice their methods were indecipherable. Her father had made sure of that.
Finally the group broke out into a dark square, completely unlit. A ways ahead was a park filled with benches famous for their secrecy, and a lot of late night government meets took place in this area. If everything went according to plan, a security guard was about to accompany some low ranking financial advisor to her house. Luckily, or at least Dorota pretended was just luck, the security outranked the advisor generously; if he was in the Purple Infantry's custody, they'd have a sure way in to a detailed account of the security systems at various government offices. And god only knew how handy that would be.

@knightinadream group

Every now and then Antony looked over his shoulder. Sometimes he would crouch down and keep his hand against a wall close to him. This may be the first, and only, time during this mission where he will be able to make such a breakthrough for the NSS. So much information could be obtained in just a matter of moments. Just as long as he does not mess this up.

He kept his eyes on the one who was in front of the line. The leader. Once the group had split, he made his way over to keep following the leader. Reaching underneath his left sleeve, he turned off his bracelet then went to turn on the tracker. If he can't keep the bracelet on, he might as well have something else so Sachs doesn't die from all the worry he probably has.

How long can he keep following the enemy? Should he attack and capture or should he be idle? If he keeps going along, he will reach point where it's too late. They might notice him, they might get him. But he needs to go back to Sachs with some information. Even if it is just a location or a name. Antony just has to.