forum "Never thought it'd be you behind the mask" O/O
Started by @ShadeStar

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Kore groaned as her alarm went off the early next morning. She hated that this class was so early, but it was the only time the section was offered. She sat up and grabbed her crutches before getting ready for the day. She normally woke up before her suitemate? did anyway so it wasn't like she was going to run into them.


(suitemate works lol. Dorm-mate? idk)

Shroud, luckily enough, had not left his uniform in the bathroom. There were a few stray drops of blood on the counter, but that could easily be explained away as a bloody nose or an accident while shaving; nothing like what had actually happened. He was still asleep, lying on his back. He hadn't slept well, constantly waking up each time he shifted wrong.


(We use suitemate for people who share a bathroom here lol)

Kore saw the blood on the counter and shrugged it off before heading to take shower. She was more focused on getting ready in time than mysterious blood left by her suitemate. One quick shower later and she was back in her own room.


(alright lol. I've heard it both ways)

Adrian woke up pretty soon after that; he was still in pain, and it was late enough that he figured it would be a waste of time to go back to sleep. He turned on the lights, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, wincing again. Maybe he could take some tylenol or something.


Kore had gotten dressed and headed back into the bathroom to brush her teeth and such. She used the bathroom counter to help balance herself as she moved through usual routine. Nothing seemed out of place, and she was expecting to make it to class before anyone else like usual.


(what should happen?)

Adrian checked the tape at his ribs, moving carefully as he made sure that none of the bandages needed to be replaced. As far as he could tell, none did, so he decided it was alright.


(Tbh no idea)

Kore left her room a few minutes later heading to class. She hobbled out the hall and across campus towards her first class of the day. There were few students out, so fewer people to poke fun at her.



Adrian slowly went about his morning routine; it was probably a good thing he had gotten up when he did, since it gave him plenty of time to get ready.


Kore sat down in her seat for her first class. Soon, about an hour and a half later, she was waiting for the room to clear so she could leave and head off to the open area on campus.

(They should probably share a class lol)


(probably lol. Probably a Gen-ed class? English? Or math?)

Adrian shouldered his bag with a pained grunt, and headed out towards class. He'd popped some pain meds, but still hurt all over.


(English would probably be good)

Kore had a little bit of time between classes, but not enough to be able to fully rest. Especially when it felt like every minute or so someone was tripping her crutches or her in general. She hated the majority of the population who loved to do that.


(alright perfect)

Adrian made his way towards class, still wincing every now and again as he walked. He walked slower than normal, and faint notes of pain hung in his eyes.


Kore made it to class in decent-ish time. She was still 15 minutes early, like normal, and just ended up sitting in the front where she had room to store her crutches.


Adrian arrived to class with eight minutes to spare, talking with a friend as he entered the room. He walked slower than normal, carrying himself as if he were in pain still.


Kore wondered what happened to Adrian to cause him to walk like that as he entered the classroom. She didn't bother to pay much attention figuring it would only make her life harder right now and instead focused on her little doodle in front of her.


The professor walked into the classroom at that point and began class. Kore could no longer focus on Adrian as she had to focus on what the professor was saying. He began class by saying, "If you don't recall… You needed to find a partner for the final presentation due at the end of the semester by today. If you wouldn't mind please get with your partner so I can see who still needs a partner, or find one in the next five minutes."

Well great, Kore was just going to pray she didn't get stuck with one of her bullies.


Adrian grimaced. The friend he had walked over with didn't actually attend this class; surprisingly, he didn't know anyone in this class. His eyes flickered around the room.


Kore sat and glanced around, most of the class seemed to have partners and those that didn't have friends to partner with. She spotted Adrian also sitting alone and with a slight sigh she grabbed her crutches and made her way over to him, "Um, hey, need a partner?"


Kore grinned slightly as she let out a sigh of relief. Oh thank god, she wouldn't get stuck with some weirdo. She glanced around and found an empty seat next to him, "Okay, cool."