forum Give Me Another Mature RP
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

Okay but this time I want like S M U T

I’m just in the mood for it shut up

But I kinda wanted a couple that is already together? Or really close to getting together?



Deleted user

Okay I just want to jump the fuck in and do it if that’s okay

Deleted user


  1. I guess like, in their late twenties. I was planning to use my Cormac
  2. Probably straight because Cormy is bisexual towards women
  3. I’m the male (obviously) and you’d be the lady

And we can discuss other things like dominance and such in PMs


It's okay lol I passed out like 2 hours later
and I have a question, how far do you go with smut? Bc I have people who like to go i n d e p t h and then people who stop at a certain point lol

Deleted user

I just kinda like

Do the sex but don’t describe like, lengths and shit

Idk I’m pretty comfortable with it soooo

Deleted user

Yea pretty much

Like I don’t like descriptions of body parts

Or I dunno, no one’s really ever done it, so I don’t know how I feel about it

I’m down for whatever I guess