forum "And tell me why, darling, should I care for the abomination we call humanity?" (OxO) (Mature) (Closed!)
Started by @bleeding_hearts

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Ah, here we are again. I have a character I would like to flush out a bit more. This character is mostly developed, but I wanna be able to work on him a bit more and his 'villain arc' so-

THIS IS GOING TO BE HEAVILY TRIGGERING I should make that fundamentally clear. There is going to be gore, death, heavy heavy anti religion/anti life themes- Like. Y I K E S.

Kinda theme I had for this was kind of like- a "monster" (A person repeatedly hurt by humanity) meets someone that could create various ends (convince them the world is good, burn the world with them, etc).


  • I would prefer a more experienced roleplay partner, but I prioritize willingness to learn, so- honestly as long as you write well-thought-out answers, and no one-liners, totally fine by me! There is no expectation to be perfect. I understand that sometimes writing comes to a halt and it's hard to think of how to move the plot forward.
  • If I say no, please understand that it is not against you, I just have a specific writing style and so I would like a partner that matches that kind of vibe.
  • This roleplay will be mature, however, that is due to the nature of the world. I'd say it's 18+ so fair warning! Anything explicit will be moved to dm's or completely skipped over (as per andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules) if it comes to that nature, however, this will most likely be a slow burn if any relationships are going to happen.
  • There will be triggering topics. I am saying that now. There will be violence, there will be death, and there will be questionable moral choices. Please, please tell me if you have triggers, and I will either give a trigger warning, or we can skip over those moments when they come up. This roleplay is supposed to be enjoyable for both of us.
  • Swearing is allowed. It doesn't really phase me, just no slurs.
  • This is a fantasy world- so like- no one gives a shit about your gender or sexuality, so in a sense, this is LGBTQIA+ friendly!


(That's fair! So, this is a fantasy world that I'm working on. This character that I'm working on, his name is Zephyr, is the main character gone bad. Izoshia is the name of the world. It's very like- How to explain, but like- Werewolves, vampires, fae, griffins, etc, exist in this world, and it's very- I guess D&D esque. The basic plot I have in mind for the story is that this main character lived through a rough time, but lived a more secluded life. But when a mob comes through, burns everything he has, calls him a monster, etc, etc, he kind of- snaps? He doesn't become as secluded and gets angry (well more than angry, they kill someone close to him, I don't want to spoil too much). That's where your character comes in. They could be a "hunter". Usually, these people are well-known families that have an establishment/base and hunt down creatures that are a threat to people. You could also be a normal person that accidentally finds themselves accidentally wandering into his home. You could also be a 'monster' looking to join his cause. It's really up to you. There's more info but I'm not sure if that was the info you're looking for. Is there any other info you want to look into?)


(oop sorry for the wait! But yeah that sounds interesting! Would you mind if I joined? I don't mind providing a writing sample if you would like one :) )


(here you are! I also tend to do my best to match my partner's reply lengths, so if you're giving me really long ones then I'm going to do my best to give long ones in return :)

Syl considered the other man's words for a moment, exhaling softly. "A tour would be nice." he replied. He sort of knew his way around, but this palace was huge, unfamiliar, and not the easiest place to navigate. He kept his hand resting on the sword hilt, still lightly running his thumb against the pommel of his sword in an almost unconscious, self-soothing motion. He liked the weight of a weapon at his hip, liked the feeling of a sword at his belt, there if he needed it. He hated being without a weapon, hated when he had nothing to defend himself with, should he need it. Now, he had something. Even if he could not hurt the prince, and the prince could not hurt him, he still had a weapon.

He did want a dagger, though. Something small and easy to conceal. He liked swords, but daggers and knives were easy to conceal so that people were less likely to take them. Also, as an assassin, they were easier tools for assassination. They were just more maneuverable, in almost all ways, but he had needed a weapon that could be easily used for defense as well as offense, and a sword accomplished that better than a dagger or knife could.


Distinguished Features:
Species: (Nonhuman is fine!)
Moral Alignment:
Combat Style:
Theme Songs:


✧Zephyrus Elysium Aconite
π”π”’π”žπ”«π”¦π”«π”€ 𝔬𝔣 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 π”‘π”žπ”ͺ𝔒
✧ Zephyrus - Zephyrus in myths was considered the gentlest of the four Anemoi, or the wind gods. Both considered helpful and vindictive, however he was usually seen as the bringer of spring. He offered aid to Eros, Achilles, and Odysseus, he is seen as helpful. However, as the tale of Hyacinthus shows, he is not one to be crossed. In simple, the name means β€œWest Wind”.
π”π”’π”žπ”«π”¦π”«π”€ 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔦𝔑𝔑𝔩𝔒 π”‘π”žπ”ͺ𝔒
✧ Elysium - The name Elysium is both a boy’s and girl’s name meaning β€œhome of the blessed after death”. Elysium, or the Elysian Fields, was the Greek concept of the afterlife for blessed and righteous souls. It was thought to be located at the westernmost edge of the Earth.
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✧ Aconite - A beautiful flower that can grow up to a meter tall and is usually a soft purple or blue color. The flower is incredibly poisonous, however. In Greek mythology, the goddess Hecate is said to have invented the poison, which Athena used to transform Arachne, a mortal, into a spider. The name can translate to Monkshood, wolfsbane, leopard band, mouseband, women’s bane, devil’s helmet, queen of poisons, or blue rocket.
π”“π”―π”¬π”«π”²π”«π” π”¦π”žπ”±π”¦π”¬π”«
✧ Zephyrus - zeh · fr · uhs
✧ Elysium - uh · li · zhee · uhm
✧ Aconite - a · kuh · nite
✧ Cismale
✧ He/him/his
✧ Male preference, unlabeled.
✧ 22
✧ August 29th
β„¨π”¬π”‘π”¦π”žπ”  𝔖𝔦𝔀𝔫
✧ Alchemy
✧ Poisons
✧ Medicine
✧ He’s incredibly agile and flexible
✧ Painting, it’s almost as if his paintings become alive.
✧ Sweet things, since he rarely gets to experience them
✧ Cats, they’re his favorite animals.
✧ Quiet spaces, he loves to study and read and he absolutely adores learning more.
✧ Music, he's found it soothing.
✧ Humanity in general.
✧ Overly religious people. Thanks to a lot of trauma he experienced as a child, his anger has grown towards the churches.
✧ Being in large crowds of people, it makes him feel suffocated.
✧ Sudden touches, it startles him and brings back horrible memories.

✧ Patience, Temperance, Kindness
✧ Wrath, Envy, Lust
✧ Identifies with Earth the most. Grounded, steady, nourishment, balance. But he definitely has water undertones. Emotion, wisdom, healing.
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✧ Blackish-Brown curly hair that’s practically uncontrollable. His eyes are a bright amber color and framed prettily by round, thin glasses. His face is splashed with freckles, and the freckles get thicker along his shoulders, spray across his back and then get thick again along his thighs. His skin is pale and scarred, but his face is pretty unblemished. He has a pretty nose, and pouty lips that are a tantalizing deep red/purple color. His eyes are usually decorated with black eyeliner that accentuates his eyes.
𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔀𝔲𝔦𝔰π”₯𝔦𝔫𝔀 π”‰π”’π”žπ”±π”²π”―π”’π”°
✧ His freckles, and his amber eyes.
✧ Human/Vampire Experiment. (Basically, he was infused with Vampires Blood)
✧ 5’9
✧ Has a small birthmark that looks like a star on his left hip.
π”–π” π”žπ”―π”°
✧ He has scars covering his inner thighs, and whip marks along his back. He also had a cross carved on his chest/stomach.
✧ None
✧ Two in his right ear, three in his left.
𝔐𝔬𝔑𝔒 𝔬𝔣 𝔇𝔯𝔒𝔰𝔰
✧ Absolutely LOVES corsets, as long as it’s comfortable. Loves flowy shirts, and showy outfits. His style is very gender neutral based.
✧ Dark Academia/Victorian
✧ Well groomed, he has a thing for hygiene and keeps up an intense hygiene regimen.
✧ Upright and well defined- or completely crouched over a book. No inbetween.
✧ A bit clumsy when not focused, however when focused his hand/eye coordination could not be more deadly.
π”π”¬π”―π”žπ”© 𝔄𝔩𝔦𝔀𝔫π”ͺ𝔒𝔫𝔱
✧ A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government.Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. Lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.
✧ Choleric - If the choleric is associated with action and the summer, melancholics are associated with deep thinking, the earth and the season of autumn. They can be very compassionate and so great humanitarians if they do not get stuck in self-pity and over subjectivity. Melancholics have a rich inner life and are usually introverted. Young children who have a melancholic temperament tend to pay a lot of attention to physical and emotional hurts and can be brooding. They can also spend a lot of time playing quietly by themselves. Overall, humans tend to become more melancholic when they reach maturity, thinking things through more deeply and keeping an eye out for injustices.
✧ The peacemaker/loyalist, Number 9 - Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.
✧ ISFP - Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what's going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others
✧ Zephyrus is a kind, open, individual. However, he was hardened by humanity. Humanity was cruel to him, hitting him no matter which way he desperately tried to turn. By the time he was 16, he was unforgiving and filled with anger. He doesn’t believe humanity deserves another chance.
✧ Long range, poison.
✧Knows basic magic and vampiric magic
✧ Assessing situations, understanding and reading his opponent, quick thinking, silver tongue.
✧ Has issues trusting people, even if they are his right hand companions, he likes to work alone despite the army behind him
𝔓𝔯𝔦π”ͺπ”žπ”―π”Ά π”šπ”’π”žπ”­π”¬π”«
✧ Poison
✧ To be revealed.
Playground - Bea Miller
Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez
Saints - Echos
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Hayloft II -Mother Mother
"Remember, God may judge you but his sins outnumber your own."
"You learn quickly that life is unfair."
Why should I care for humanity?"
"There is no God here, there has never been a God amongst us."
"The most deadly poison of our time is indifference."
"The world is not simply black or white, good or bad. It is a world full of mess and chaos. No one is ever truly good, and no one is ever truly bad."
"I lost everything, and am expected to continue living."


(oookay I am so so sorry for the wait! I've been busy but uh. 1. love your character, he's very cool! 2. I am,,, a lil bit stuck on my own character and what I should do lmao)


(No worries! Thank you, I absolutely adore him lmao. As for your own character, is there something in mind you had, or do you want to brainstorm ideas?)


(idk I'm just,, not sure what to do/what I want to do? If that makes sense? Were we intending this to be a romance, or just like friends, or?)


(I was intending it to start out platonic, but it can most definitely lead to romance if you want it to! It can start out however you want. There's no expectation of what kind of character you should play. If anything, here are some questions, I guess? What is the goal of your character, do you want them to burn the world, find ways to help people, or are they a random schmuck who just accidentally got into my character's way?)


(I swear I'm not usually this indecisive, I'm just having a weird block rn. I think maybe it would be interesting if it was a blend of "burn the world" and "accidentally got in your character's way"? OOH or something happened that like,,, forces our characters to work together/stay together? Forced proximity for the win lmao)


(i am. so sorry for this huge huge wait, but here you are! I hope he's alright skdhbfdkjfgb he ended up much more "burn the world" than anything)

Name: Cain Fallon
Pronunciation: cane f-AL-on
Gender: Cis man
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Pan, doesn't really exhibit any marked preferences, though he has dated more men than women
Age: unknown, appears to be about 22-24 years old
Occupation: Adventurer/mercenary/assassin/bodyguard (anything, really)
Appearance: Cain's typical appearance stands at about 5'10", with white skin that has neither tan nor freckles. He has wavy, chocolate brown hair, which hangs just past his shoulders in length. It is that long because it has not been cut in ages. There are a few strands of white shot through it, but it is mostly that same chocolate brown. He usually ties it back in some way, whether he ties all of it back or half of it, it is usually kept out of the way and out of his face. His eyes are a pale grey, and the edges of his pupil and iris almost seem to bleed into the whites of his eyes sometimes, if you look too closely, but then he blinks and it seems normal again. He has a rather rectangular body, though his shoulders are slightly broader. He has scars across his body and even up his neck and onto his face, with a few more visible ones stretching up from his collarbone, up his throat, and up onto his chin and cheeks. His left eyebrows has two nicks out of it, and the scars that cause those nicks continue from just above his browbone and down his cheek. He also has some tattoos on his arms, and on his back. These seem to be of various symbols, and are almost impossible to decipher their actual meaning. However, almost the entirety of this appearance is a facade. The more "true" appearance is more monstrous, with black cracks, gashes, and holes in his skin, underneath of which seems to be just this dark, inky blackness. Not flesh and blood and bone, but just this vague darkness. The pupils of his eyes also bleed out into the irises and the whites, turning his eyes completely black. His fingers and hands also turn black, and that blackness slowly fades out as it continues up his arms. All of his scars become those cracks and gashes. This form he is usually able to keep hidden, but when he grows stressed, it can become harder for him to hide it. The first and most obvious sign that his control is wavering is when his eyes begin to bleed together.
Distinguished Features: The scars, his tattoos, and those black gashes that appear when he loses control of his form.
Species: Formerly Human, but not sure anymore just what he is
Height: 5'10"
Aesthetic: Prefers darker clothing, some armor pieces
Personality: Cain is a a rather moody, brooding sort of person, with a sharp temper and a quick mind. He is not at all a patient man, and can sometimes be baited into fights because of that. He tends to be rather taciturn and silent, preferring not to speak, and when he does speak, his words are often short and clipped, if not outright aggressive. He is actually very intelligent, but that intelligence is often masked behind his aggression and anger issues.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral and/or Chaotic Evil
Combat Style: Up close and personal, uses a bladed weapons
Weapons: Broadsword, or a pair of matched daggers
Magic: Unknown/to be revealed
Strengths: (i suck at filling this out so I'm just, uh, not gonna, unless you'd really prefer I did?)
History: Cain was born human. His parents died when he was very young, and he was placed into a state-run orphanage shortly afterwards. The orphanage was not a good place for a young boy like him, but he at least received an education there, learning the basic requirements for survival. As he aged, he fell in with a rougher crowd, beginning first with stealing and eventually working up to worse things. He still operated by some code, yes, but on the whole, he didn't care who he hurt or what he did. It was when he was a little older that he was caught and arrested. He spent some time in jail, soon getting in trouble for fighting with the other inmates. He was placed into solitary confinement, not seeing any other human for nearly six months. And then, a scientist and magician, under employ of the king, visited the prison. He needed subjects to experiment on, and he chose Cain as one of them. For a long time, Cain was used by the magician for experiments, along with as a punching bag. Anytime the magician grew frustrated or angry or simply felt the need to cause pain, he would take it out on Cain. He has no idea how long he was kept by the magician, how long he spent in that hell. Only that he was turned and twisted into something more than– or less than –human. All he knows is that he seems to have stopped aging at some point, and that all his memories of that time are of pain and anguish and suffering. During this time is when he was changed from human to whatever he is now. He was the one to kill the sorcerer, his mind snapping under the strain and magic just being unleashed from him in waves. When he came back to himself, the castle was in ruins and the sorcerer was dead. Ever since then, he has been wandering, selling his services as a mercenary and assassin.
Theme Songs: tbd
Quotes: tbd


(Totally fine! I've been busy myself! And I absolutely love him! Don't worry about filling it all out, it's more of just a guideline lmao.)


(Alright! Next should be, what situation pushed them to work together? Are people hunting Cain? Is he searching for solace? What would bring him into Zephyrus?)