forum What's the phonology of your language?
Started by @Chronicle Beta Tester

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@Chronicle Beta Tester

This section didn't seem to be getting much love, so I thought I'd ask.

Here's my (unfortunately very English) phonology)

IPA on the left, Latin alphabet transliteration on the right.

a / Aa
ɛ / Ee
i / Ii
o / Oo and Uu, literally just depending on what I think looks nice.
b / Bb
d / Dd
m / Mm
g / Gg
l / Ll
ʃ / Ss
h / Hh / (When /h/ is surrounded by vowels (vhv), /h/ acts as a glottal-stop)
k / Kk
v / Vv
p / Pp
t / Tt
f / Ff
w / Ww
n / Nn
ɹ / Rr


@Chronicle that sounds pretty cool, ngl. Wish more conlangs had glottal stops that didn't rely on apostrophes. I'm definitely a fan of tapped or trilled r, though the American version is easier to pronounce lmao

Not too sure on the IPA myself, nor do I have a full phonology yet, but I've been playing with voiced/unvoiced pairs depending on where it is in the word (I.e. B/p considered one letter, while it's technically two sounds) and having c, w, and x only being included in words taken from a different language. Probably going to play around with palatalisation too? Who knows, language is fun. ^^;

@Chronicle Beta Tester


/b/ and /p/ being one letter is an interesting concept. I believe that Gaelic does something similar, although I might be wrong.


Korean is similar in that some of the consonants are voiced or unvoiced depending on where they are in the word. For these consonants, they are voiceless at the beginning of the word, and all following consonants are voiced.ㅂ, for example. In 비 (rain), you would pronounce it as /pi/, whereas 나비 (butterfly) is /nabi/. This follows with the consonants:
ㄱ : /k/, /g/
ㄷ : /t/, /d/
ㅂ : /p/, /b/
Of course, if you want to stress these consonants, ㅍ is the more aspirated /p/, and ㅃ is similar to the partial stop you get when you double Japanese consonants with っ
So even if it's in the middle of a word, if the consonant is ㅍ, then it will always be aspirated voiceless /p/, not voiced /b/.
Not sure if that was at all helpful, or just information splatter, sorry :0