forum What ridiculous weapons do you have?
Started by @Yamatsu

people_alt 94 followers


Yeah. It's been too long since I've seen it so I can't quite make a proper judgment. But I do remember it having some good parts to it.


(Sorry I've been busy the past few days) Yeah I really don't like Captain Marvel either. She was a jerk in the comics and had a lack of character development in the mcu. Plus she too overpowered


I holeheartedly agree
but it's kinda funny how whenever a superhero goes OP mode, the villain is that close to dying, but then pulls through and then the next hero goes OP mode and also fails. my concluding argument is that if literally two superheroes went OP at the same time, Thanos would have died on Titan in infinity war

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

My character is a bandit chief, and he's kind of an idiot but he's super strong, and to prove his strength he commissioned someone to literally weld pieces of old scrap metal into a giant sword that's like five feet long and weighs probably a hundred pounds. It's not even sharp, he just atomizes people by slamming them with its entire weight. A real fighter would beat him in about five minutes lol but HEY his weapon looks terrifying so who cares? XD


I imagine it kind of looks like a shittier Soul Calibur, basically a giant wedge with rusted bits in the middle and a twisted-cable handle? MInus the muscle and the throbbing eye, of course.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Yeah, just imagine that a patchwork quilt was made out of low-quality steel and cut into a sword blade using a giant stencil of said blade, then riveted to a piece of rebar for a handle and left out in the rain for like a month. I bet my character would love to accessorize it with a giant eye and such if he had the chance lol

@Greg-The-Janitor language

One of my characters is blind so I literally have a gadget which is a smartphone alarm, this way he can "see" the room with echolocation.

I also have a weapon which is just an over powered mop.


One I've made for a Bayonetta-themed D&D campaign is a set of arm-mounted jackhammers named after Robert Moses, the guy that built America's highways and paved over black and brown neighborhoods to do it.
(Context: In Bayonetta, weapons are made from demon souls and either refer to or are named directly after people and characters that would most likely go to Hell e.g. Lt. Col. Kilgore from the movie Apocalypse Now.)


not exactly ridiculous but i have this pair of void daggers that spread a violent poison from the wound to each organ slowly malfunctioning them until it reaches the heart.

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

I have a sentient purpleish blob that can become any weapon needed. The weapon has a very creepy demonic voice that is totally evil, but its actually a nice guy who just wants to be understood and not reated like its going to kill its wielder at any second.