forum What is the most dangerous plant in your world?
Started by @Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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@Chronicle Beta Tester

That honor would go to the Otrach (or Otrak, whichever spelling you prefer) tree.

The tree produces a "sap" (called Vermuta sap) that slowly creeps down the tree, looking for any other living things around the tree. Once the sap has found something, it begins to envelop it and suck out its nutrients, which are then transferred to the tree.

Also, the leaves that the tree produces are poisonous to most things.

Maddie Premium Supporter

My most dangerous plant is the lentum mortis, which is Latin for 'slow death'. It's a plant that only grows in the Underworld. It tortures souls by wrapping themselves around the souls best memories from when they were alive, and then strangling those memories until they die. If a living person enters the Underworld and gets caught in the plant, they're as good as dead unless they can think of the happiest memory they can. This memory has to be really powerful like 'this memory is the last thing keeping me alive' kind of powerful. If you can't come up with a good memory, the plant will carve a cavity in your chest, grab your heart, and squeeze it. The only reason you don't die is because it gives off a liquid that keeps you alive, no matter what. It's like an immortality potion. When you've gone through enough pain from having your heart strangled, it stops keeping you alive. It then pulls itself out of your chest and moves on to its next victim. Sorry, I'm a little morbid.


The most dangerous plant in my universe is any sort of fungus that grows in the Yggdrasil tree because it could potentially destroy all of creation if it were poisonous. Common plant, hardcore effects. Interesting reverse psychology. The fate of the world isn't in the hands of the villain, it's in the hands of a common mushroom.


Probably polykariae, which are poisonous vines that suck out souls (think Dementors, but greener, plantier, and much more graphic). They are not fatal, but they leave you in a vegetative state that will then be controlled by the main villain, Agogon (polykariae are creations of his).


The most dangerous plant in my universe so far is the Ketsueki flower (Japanese for blood). The flowers are a dark red with black speckles on the petals. The petals are sharper than knifes and the tips are coated in deadly poison. Whatever you do, don't touch them! Obviously, don't eat them either.

Deleted user

The most dangerous plant? From me, that would be Demostench. It's a weed that grows on farmland when produce is almost finished growing. It rarely sprouts, but when it does, it emits a sound that no one can hear, even most animals, and summons a bacteria that molds with the produce. The bacteria by itself is harmless, but the Demostench also emits a scentless odor that causes the bacteria to go into a frenzy and start devouring the consumers from the inside out.
The odor takes at minimum 20 hours to to start emitting, while the sound only takes 10 minutes. Unless the weed is cut within 20 hours of it growing, whole villages will be killed. Freezing the produce also kills the bacteria.


Since some plant's have gotten infected with the virus that all Evolutions carry, a lot of the plants are dangorus to the near-extinct humans, but usefull to the Evolutions. However, there are two plants that can seriously hurt/harm/kill the Evolutions. They're the Heajeni and the Bouer. The Heajeni is a tree-like plant with large red "Flowers" that are actually the leaves. They produce an acid that, when applied to Evolution biomass, can rapidy decay the body. However, every two weeks, they do something where they litterally spill out ALL the acid they contain, and those events are pretty unpridictable, so a lot of Evolutions have litterally been acidicly DECAYED (which is very painful)

Bouer has a small sense of inteligence, enough to tell what things they can and cannot eat. THEY WILL EAT ANYTHING. If it's edable, they will eat it. These things sprout up, and they will eat Evolutions. Nothing about this plant is usefull, except for fires and target practice.

@Mojack group

Basically, plants that camouflage themselves, often growing by routes in the thick forests or even more so on the wild. They're slow moving at first, hardly noticeable; once you sit down. When the plant is close enough, it strikes in a lightning fast motion, clasping its maw around the upper half of your body. If the prey struggles, it emits a toxin that forces the muscles to relax unless the body temperature is unusually high, or low (this is very rare) or the prey is a Lava Keeper (also very rare, but once it has a taste of the Lava Keeper's blood it may realize to let go if it hasn't been burnt to bits at this point) Otherwise, for about 5 minutes, you'll be dangling from its jaws, until the plant tilts its head back and prepares to swallow you whole; emitting another toxin; "the death toxin"; or the final blow, to put you in a permanent sleep. The plant only requires a human sized meal once a month.
If it feels hungry, it can emit a scent that once smelled, will change to the prey's favourite scent, or the scent most likely to lead it to the plant. A cruel way, but many warning have been displayed to not follow the strange scents in the forest.
The plants grow on thick vines in the trees and end in one massive "head" that appears similar to the venus flytrap.