forum Thoughts on violence in Fantasy
Started by @Penstorm

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What is the general thoughts on it. I know that there are battle scenes and such like in LOTR but what about violence against a single person. Is it too much, not needed? Starting to write my story and I have a 'violent' scene in it but most people that I know that read fantasy are the non-violent type.
Any thoughts?


Well, I happen to be a violent person who's into fantasy, so I'll try to whip something up.
The type of fantasy you're going for will change what you can and cannot do. People can get away with things in a LOTR type of fantasy that they couldn't do in Modern Fantasy
First of all, magic can sometimes be used to mess with the mind. So you could make someone dream horrifying things, which, over time, could drive them insane.
You can also go for a more Prometheus-esque type of torture. Magic can be used for healing. Therefore, you can hurt and heal someone over and over again.
Also, electric shocks could be delivered. You could shock and disrupt a person's nervous system until they lose the ability to move.
And you've got all the normal injuries, which could be sustained IRL.

You're right, though. We don't see many torture scenes played out in fantasy. But it's never too late to bring some horror to any genre.


@Lord_Dunconius, Thanks for the response. I have some physical violence - a guard kills two women by crushing their heads - a little like a Games of Thrones scene; but I also have the main villain psychologically torturing one of my mains until she suffers a break then begins to show signs of a dual personality to cope. I also thought that it would be easier to break someone if they are broken…
Thanks for your thoughts!