forum I need a creature name!
Started by @German_Boats

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So in my story, my three most important characters walk into this HUGE cavern, but its covered in stars. Walls, ceiling, floor, it all looks like some crazy galaxy. And then there's this big pool, and on the wall behind the pool, is this giant blue spirt looking thing ( kind of like the small blue things in 'brave' ) and it's "arms and legs" spread out all across the cavern. The thing pulses, causing light to run through it's limbs and make all the stars around it temporarily brighter. What should I call it?

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@Joellapod, that really depends on what type of fantasy names you like. Do you like long ones with lots of vowels or consonants? What about short, simple ones that summarize what the creature is?

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Hm, I think I agree that The Pulser might be a bit plain for such a majestically described being. Here are some suggestions:

  • The Grand Wisp
  • The Cyani (like cyan)
  • The Rigel (name of a Blue Star in space)
  • Andromedra (pretty sure this is a star name, but it's cool)
  • The Pneuma (I believe this has to do with spirits)
  • The Denebolan (like Denebola, which I believe is another Blue Star)
  • The Cassiope (shortened from Cassiopeiae)
  • Majestica
  • The Glowing Nova
  • Nebulae the Mystic
    I can always come up with more if none of those suit your fancy :)

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Alright! No problem! Like I said, if you decide that you don't want to use any of those I can always think of more that might fit your book a little better.

@Penelope L

Andromeda is a constellation (from the Greek myth of Perseus. He flew over Ethiopia with the head of Medusa and found a princess (Andromeda) chained to the rock with a monster below waiting to eat her (I can't remember why, I think it has something to do with an arranged marriage) and he turns the monster to stone and they fall in love and the rest)