forum Vampire Kiibouma rp
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Kiibo nodded as he decided to trust Kokichi about that. He had been worried for a moment since it was sudden, but he was glad to know that the other was just fine. He still wondered about what caused his face to go red to begin with, but at least he knew that Kokichi was fine. He would just have to remember that if something ever caused his face to go red again.

"I'm glad that you're okay," he said softly. "I was worried for a moment."


Kiibo sighed softly. He was worried about how Kokichi's life had been in the years that they were apart. He wondered if he was the only friend Kokichi ever had. If that was the case, then he felt bad that their lives had been the same since the separation. Neither had friends or much happiness in the years following, and it was a sad thing to think about. However, Kiibo was going to try to look on the bright side.

"Same, but hey, we have each other now. That's good, isn't it?" he asked. "Surely it is."


The sudden interaction took Kiibo aback. He hadn't expected Kokichi to suddenly hug him from behind like that. He didn't mind the interaction, but it was surprising. As it happened, he could feel his face get a bit red as well. It left him a bit flustered, but he didn't mind at all. All he cared about in that moment was having Kokichi, even if he was confused about the sudden interaction,

"Y-yeah… However…what's with the sudden hug?" he asked softly. "I don't mind, but it surprised me."


Kiibo could feel himself blushing because of the comment. He had no idea why he was responding in the way that he was, but he was beginning to feel flustered over everything. Kokichi missed his touch? That was a random thing for his best friend to admit, and while he missed the other's touch as well, he couldn't help but blush from being tokd that.

"You…you did…?" he asked softly. "I-I mean, I, um, I missed yours, too, but still…"


Kiibo's face became a deep red when Kokichi kissed his cheek. He hadn't expected to receive physical affection from anyone, even his best friend. He thought that they would remain as friends and nothing more. It was a relief that Kokichi felt the same way about him, but it was very surprising as well. He didn't know how to process it all at first.

"You, um, you love me…?!" he exclaimed. "Sorry, sorry…I, um, I really, well, I really feel the same, but it's, ah, it's a lot for me to process…"


Kiibo followed Kokichi into his room in silence. He couldn't say anything without stammering as his mind was still trying to process everything that had just happened. He almost appeared to be a bit overwhelmed by all of the sudden events, as while he was happy that he had Kokichi in his life, he appeared to be a bit stressed out at the same time.


Kiibo didn't answer the question, as he didn't know how to. He wasn't sure if he was okay or not in that moment. Trying to process everything that had been happening was a lot for him to handle. It seemed like his mind was overwhelmed by all of the information that it had been given so suddenly, resulting in Kiibo being stressed even though nothing was wrong.


Kiibo relaxed a bit as Kokichi wrapped his wings around them. He still remained overwhelmed, but he had relaxed a bit. However, even as he relaxed, he felt tears beginning to form in his eyes. He didn't understand why he wanted to cry; he didn't even understand why he was overwhelmed to begin with. A lot had happened, but he didn't get why it was so difficult for him to process everything.


Kiibo slowly began to calm as he was held in Kokichi's arms. He gradually stopped crying, and he was beginning to be able to process his thoughts again. His mind had been flooded by random thoughts throughout the past couple of hours, which completely overwhelmed him, but he was beginning to calm down as he stayed in his lover's arms. Something about his embrace began to calm him.


Kiibo smiled softly as well once he calmed himself down. He was finally calm and able to handle things again. It may have taken almost an hour of simply being in Kokichi's embrace to calm down, but he was finally calm. He could finally say something again and not have to worry his lover. He still had a few things on his mind, but he was considerably calmer.

"Okay, I think I'm good now," he said softly. "However, I still need to change clothes. Could you give me an outfit?"


Kiibo smiled as he took the clothes from Kokichi. He seemed to be happy at the thought of borrowing his boyfriend's clothes. He was so happy to be able to borrow the outfit, even if it was simple. Almost anything about Kokichi made him incredibly happy. Being with his lover was all that he needed to be happy, and he knew that.

"Thanks for the clothes, Ko," he smiled softly. "I'm gonna change now, okay?"

He quickly took his uniform off. He felt relieved when he took it off, knowing that he would never have to wear it again. All of the bad memories in his life could be left behind the moment that he freed himself from the academy. He would never force himself to be something he was not. To top it all off, he found Kokichi's clothes to be comfortable, which made him happy.


It was only after he saw the look on Kokichi's face that Kiibo remembered that it was rather strange to change in front of people. He had been so used to it from his life at the academy that he did it without a second thought. He felt a bit bad to have caught his boyfriend off guard by that, but he was happy that he could finally stop associating himself with the academy.

"I, um, I might've, well, forgotten that I should've asked you to leave," Kiibo sighed softly. "I, uh, I hope you're not mad…"


Kiibo nodded. He wanted to get some sleep as well after everything that happened that day. It was an incredibly eventful day, but he was glad that he had Kokichi in his life. Despite how things had gone, he was happy that he was with his lover. That made everything so much better for him.

"We can, just…" he trailed off as he felt his face go red again.

He wanted to ask Kokichi if they could cuddle, but he didn't know if that would be okay. Even if they were dating, he felt awkward about asking. He just stood there since he never finished his request. He hoped that his lover would understand what he was trying to ask him.