forum Show off your creature here (And critique the creature above you)
Started by @Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

people_alt 59 followers

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I've seen a lot of "show off your creature/species/etc." threads, but I've noticed that each person ignores everyone else and people rarely receive any feedback on their own stuff. I hereby decree that you may only post your creature in this thread if you also leave a fair, thoughtful review of the creature posted by the person before you. You don't have to write a whole lot, just give your thoughts or maybe just some kind words ^^
Here's my creature to start with: They live on a desert planet in my stories. The rest of their info is on the refsheet itself.
Y'all can post art, descriptions, or both for your creature ^^ And you can post more than one creature if you want, but let other people take turns first so you have something to critique.
tbh, either this'll take off or it won't, but here goes anyway X'D

Deleted user

SO. Are these like the checkered Whiptail in the sense that they clone themselves to reproduce?

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Sort of. They can lay fertilized eggs as soon as they're grown, however that risks stagnating their gene pool, so they only do it in emergencies. They can also choose to have their eggs fertilized by another healthy member of the species, which is better for the species in the long run. If that makes any sense ^^;