forum Said Show off your Beasts Here...
Started by @Dragoncita group

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@Dragoncita group

Just a lot of my creatures, mostly dragons. Mainly different breeds/species of them
Also probably other creatures as well that I have created or beasts which I added to put my own twist on them.

Feel free to look through them. I'll more than like keep adding new and editing old, especially when I have an urge to write, etc.

I've had these creatures for quite awhile, nearly 6 years now
So don't say I copied another's idea, etc.
Easy way to piss me off



@Dragoncita group

Doom Dragons

Doom dragons are considered smaller, weaker variants of their more powerful, titan cousins, the Chaos Dragons
Unlike Chaos Dragons, Doom dragons have complete control of their abilities. Though due to their ability to control their power/magic, they are slightly weaker. Doom Dragons are also smaller in appearance than the giant size Chaos Dragons can become

Despite size and power, Doom Dragons are not to be underestimated. A group of them could have enough power that could rival even an older Chaos Dragon
Hence, the reason most Doom Dragons are seen traveling in small groups. Like the Chaos Dragon, Doom Dragons enjoy causing destruction. Also they can be extremely unpredictable.

Doom Dragons hatch alone or with their nest mates. Their parents leave once the eggs are laid in a proper area to keep the eggs incubated.
This is considered another reason why doom dragons are often seen in small groups, usually the groups consisting of nest mates. Since when they hatch, the chicks are forced to fend for themselves, which evolved into a 'pack mentality'. Chicks hatched together often have a better chance of survival than single chicks. Very few single chicks of doom dragons survive to adulthood.
Though, to help due to hatching alone, Doom Dragon chicks have a quicker/faster growth rate. Occasionally certain events or such will trigger growth spurts in youngsters.


@Dragoncita group

Gold Dragon

Extremely rare dragons. As of now (in my world) there is only one golden dragon known to exist.

Golden dragons have a natural immunity to all types of magic, elements, and even sickness/disease. Golden dragons are known to be more accepting of other races, including humans.
As a gold, they have the ability to breath pure gold flames. The gold fire is considered even hotter than normal flames. The gold flames are able to cling to any surface, burning through even the strongest of armor. It is also said to hold some holy/cleansing properties. It is believed that only the pure of heart could withstand the gold flames unscathed.
Oddly, Gold Dragons were known to carry a calm aura. Their presence alone is known to calm down even the most unruly of crowds, both man and beast. No matter how tense a situation is, the appearance of a Gold Dragon instantly calms everything down.


@Dragoncita group


Originally Offspring of a Dragon and Human
Also offspring of a pair of Dragonkin

Dragonkin were at first despised by dragons, seeing them as horrid abominations from one of their own and a human. Now (once again from my world) dragons despise humans with a passion. Dragons hate humans due to the Dragon King's hatred towards the race after what the humans did long ago. Even the thought of a dragon mating with a human would often leave dragons in an uproar. Though there were the few dragons who called a human a mate, which in turn spawned the Dragonkin.
After time, the Dragonkin were tolerated. The race was even allowed to build their villages within Dragon Territory. As long as the Dragonkin and the few humans that lived among them respected the dragons, they were allowed to live peacefully.

Dragonkin have longer lifespans than normal humans, most often outliving their human parents. Dragonkin most often have draconic features, many which resemble their breed/species (parent dragon). These range from having wings, tails, horns, etc.
Dragonkin will also have the same abilities/powers associated with their breed/species.
Now, all Dragonkin have the ability to take on a true dragon form. Though the Dragonkin's form is a slightly weaker, smaller version of their parent, but still quite formidable.


@Dragoncita group


The Guasnan are goat humanoids. Suppose you could compare them to a Satyr, but not quite, as they mostly have goat features. The only human-looking thing about them is they are bipedal and have hands. Their feet end in cloven hooves.
These creatures prefer their solitude, living in mountainous regions in small villages.
The Guasnan are allied with the Dragon Kingdom and Harpy Kingdom




These are a kind of Brute Wyvern, shaped like a wyvern with a few extra features. They don't have fire breath and they are too heavy to fly, but they make up for this with a massive set of flat horns, a mace-like tail, and thick wing ridges. They are covered in a special kind of moss that seems to only grow on them. It absorbs water quickly, making them impervious to fire attacks, and it's quite nutritious in a pinch!
They live in the heavily forested regions of the Northwest, using their tails to knock down rotted trees for food. The ones with fungus or bugs in them are a real treat.

@Dragoncita group

Gravior Dragon

Giant, hefty dragons. Associated with barren earth and stones. These beasts are extremely strong.

Both female and male Gravior dragons have large, muscular builds. It can be difficult to distinguish male and females at first glance, though the easiest way to tell the difference is by the horns.
Generally males have thicker and heavier horns. Females have lighter and slightly longer horns.
Female Gravior dragons tend to be ever so slightly smaller than males, though not by much. Females have duller colored scales
Due to their heavy builds, Gravior Dragons are able to only fly for several hours before having to rest their wings

Gravior Dragons have the ability to grow spikes along their, neck, back, legs, tail, and wings. With this, they also can shoot the spikes from their body to impale anything unlucky to be in the way of such an attack. Though, they are unable to grow the spikes along the underside of their bellies. As with most dragons, their stomach/underside is vulnerable
These beasts have some control of the earth around them, such as creating stone walls, pillars, etc.


@Dragoncita group


The Lacertaomin are humanoids. They mostly appear human, until you get to their legs. Their legs and feet are completely reptilian, looking more like a lizard/dragon. Coming from their spine, is a long tail that ends in a venomous barb. Along their arms and parts of their upper body they may have patches of scales. They have a forked tongue, which they flick out like snakes to test the air. Their sense of smell, hearing, and feel are extremely sharp
Thanks to their powerful, reptilian legs, Lacertaomin are amazing jumpers as well as climbers. The claws ending on the toes are able to curl and grip onto even the most precarious of ledges. Though they can also be deadly with these sturdy limbs. The claws can be used to attack, lashing out with powerful swipes to strip flesh from bone if needed.
Though their most powerful and interesting weapon is the extremely venomous barb at the end of their serpentine tails. The venom is extremely deadly, killing attackers or prey in either an hour, down to mere seconds. There is no known antidote to counter Lacertaomin venom. Once you are tagged by their barb, expect death very soon. However, they only resort to their venomous barb-tipped tail if threatened, backed in a corner, and there is no way out for them. They will lash their tails in warning, and usually use their tail to defend themselves in combat, knocking back attackers, etc.
On their upper, human bodies, the patches of scales they have the ability to harden their skin, the scales seemingly will spread across their body, giving them an even more scalier/reptilian appearance. This 'hardening' adds extra protection to their already tough skin. Their human torsos are much weaker compared to their scaled and strong legs. But the skin hardening to almost scales helps to protect their human torsos. The age of a Lacertaomin tends to determine how strong their 'hardening' will be (older individuals are able to gain much stronger 'armor', as younger aren't as strong).