forum Got any creature art?
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Basically, art of creatures from your world. I'm on my computer right now, so I can't actually post anything right now, but my story Desolation has the interesting cast of creatures that I'm fairly interesting in posting. End of Time also has a lot.

Anything counts, now get posting!

@Reblod flag

Yes! Here are a bunch of sketches of creatures that can be found on Medeis

Battle gryphons- Native to Magrif and therefore domesticated by elves, there are two subspecies. This one was bred for war having larger wings, a short tail, a stronger beak and stockier build. They're about the size of a large dog.

Common household gryphon- Pretty much that same as the battle gryphons but bred as pets. They're smaller with silkier fur, a slimmer build and smaller wings.

Gorincei- Creatures of the Void. They can 'teleport' and are slow-moving, silent creatures. The average person reaches to about a Gorincei's knuckle. They're also reptiles like most Void creatures and answer only to the ravens.

Pegasus- Feathered equine creatures with wings that are said to come from the Celestial Plane and watch over certain individuals under orders from the gods. They aren't found naturally on Medeis.

Unicorns- They're only found on the island Alteira in a glowing forest. They're intelligent but people tend to only see them as any other wild beast and used to hunt them down but now they are under protection by the mysterious country Craisio.

Phoenixes- All phoenixes are bound to an angel at birth until death. They may die several times but can be reborn from their own ashes unless their angel dies. They have three forms, a smaller eagle form, their normal giant phoenix form and an even bigger 'true' form that reveal them as beasts of pure flame. Phoenixes are also intelligent and communicate telepathically.

(last one I swear) Talchai- A creature domesticated by the ravens and bred as mounts. They are incredibly strong, fast and agile and are trained to attack the enemy in battle. A talchai will bond with only one person in its lifetime and remain fiercely loyal during that time.

Sorry I get way too ahead of myself sometimes