forum Can You Name Them?
Started by @AJMaskell

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Hey so I have a character who is briefly hanging out with some sea life and I'm curious how many of you can name all the creatures she's buddies with. And while I was writing that part of the story I said to myself 'She's basically Snow White, but underwater", because the bit in Snow White where all the forest animals come and say hello.


Elda opened her eyes to see several schools of fish darting about seaweed and other such plant life. A small octopus with blue rings started to climb it’s way up her leg. Near transparent jellyfish bumped against her as they were pulled by the ocean tide…
She knelt in the sandy ocean bed, the arms of an anemone stroking her, as she in turn stroked a spiny rock-like fish, a striped and elaborate looking fish sat in her lap.

The last description is kinda broad but I couldn't think of a better way to describe it. Anyway, good luck, there are four creatures to name. I'll give a virtual high-five to whoever can name them all without looking at what other people have written.


Blue ring octopus? I forgot the actual name. I'm pretty sure that octopus is extremely poisonous… Ghost box jellyfish? Also forgot the actual name, also extremely poisonous. Jellyfish sting, and so do anemones I believe. Puffer fish are also poison; dolphins use them to get high. And, Zebra Turkey Fish? I don't think those are poisonous…

Your character is surrounded by death…


They're weird looking. It was the first thing I thought of when you said "striped and elaborate", because my older brother used to love them. I still love them.


Cool. And yeah the striped and elaborate description is kinda elusive. I was trying to describe a lion fish and that's what I came up with. I did look up a picture of the zebra turkey fish and they look exactly the same as a lion fish


Blue ringed octopus? If it climbed up her leg she could die. I'm pretty sure that's the most venomous octopus in the world. It can take less than five minutes for the bite to kill someone. R.I.P Elda

@Penelope L

Are you sure you want her to be stroking a "spiny rock-like fish?" Stonefish (actually the deadliest fish in the world) and lion fish are two of the most venomous types of fish in the world (they both have spines and camouflage) , if she stroked a stonefish or a lion fish she would die, as the venom is used defensively and human-sized creatures are much bigger and seem like predators to fish.