forum Ask My character chat UwU
Started by @FuzzySocksElias group

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@FuzzySocksElias group

QnA chat for my character Noah because cringe culture is dead anyway-
Noah’s like 27 so I mean ask him what you want and you can uh learn about him and stuff 👍🏻 I’ll try to answer as him as honest as possible anyway if this chat is dead
Noah- then so are you /j

@Altar_Ego group

Hi Noah! I would like to ask how your reltionship with your sibling is! Do you see each other often? Do you get along well or not at all? How much do you have in common? ^J^

@FuzzySocksElias group

Nh- so i have my sister sam, we grew up uhhh well we grew up in different houses, i stayed with my dad and she was at an adopted family, but we went to the same school. She’s trans, like me, but she’s a girl. We had the same hair color but i dyed mine because im a rebel UvU. But we get along for the most part. She’s kinda feisty sometimes and sometimes she’s very, VERY annoying but that’s just siblings for you. We’re gonna stay together no matter how hard it gets, and she’s also engaged to my boyfriend’s sister, its kinda weird, but her fiance is really really really nice and super sweet (kinda hates me) but yeah we get to all be family
((Also uhm thank you for asking a question >v< ))