The beginning

Haiti’s mother was never kind and sickly. He could see through her ever so slightly. She raised his brother and him in far-off heavens, their own little pocket of the expansive universe. One out of the many timeless days, their mother, barely seen with the naked eye, took his brother into another room in their palace. Haiti sat on his black throne, awaiting their return. Mother emerged with his brother, Ira. She was barely there, hanging by a thread. She took Haiti into the other room. Gold trim outlined the ceiling and floorboards. Floor made from the finest marble and a lone throne in the corner. Mother had prepared for her death. That’s how they got there. They knew that, but Ira was reluctant. Mother told him how to be patient and hold balance with his abilities and Ira’s. 

After the small conversation, mother had faded completely. He stepped out of the room and his brother immediately questioned where mother had gone. Ira held a pained look.

“YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED MOTHER!” tears rolled down his face. He wanted to refuse his mother’s sickness and her death.

“I did not hurt her. You knew she was fading. You know that is why she created us. She finally passed in peace,” Haiti tried to calm his brother.


“Why would I want complete control? We shall rule together—mother taught us that.”

“You would want control because of the darkness inside of you—” and with that, Ira turned around and stormed off. They did not exchange words for months. Ira would coldly glare at his brother every time they made eye contact. This cold glare stuck with Haiti, his brother looking at him as evil with a deep hatred. After these ageless months, Ira finally accepted that his mother really faded and that Haiti didn’t kill her. It once again filled him with a love for his brother. Haiti, however, became filled with resentment for his brother.  

For many millennia, the two brothers lived in each other's presence. Ira showed his brother love and Haiti showed no interest. They used to flourish in a palace of white marble floors and white brick walls with gold detail. Light poured into the palace, illuminating both the bright white and gold throne and black and red throne. Since the fallout, the palace has decayed. The marble was dull and wore little fissures. The light hardly shone, and the darkest throne sunk into shadow. Haiti wanted his own world, his own realm.

“I think we should split. I have been trapped here for too long!” Haiti faced his brother, his eyes shrouded in darkness like one who had gone insane. 

“Mother told us to stick look over the universe together… Haiti, do we really want to do this? It would go against mother’s wishes.” Ira reflected on his mother’s words.

“This place is the bane of my existence. Mother’s palace has shown favor to you. My throne became shadowed. I have been trapped in this cage before time had a name!”

"If you truly feel that way, perhaps we should part ways. You know ‌I care about you, brother. Right?”

Haiti didn't even flinch or say anything. He had already fantasized about having his own domain. Haiti demolished the land of equilibrium. He smashed their glorious thrones, causing each to screech. The light of the ethereal realm gradually became engulfed by shadow, the void swallowing the once magnificent marble. Its delicate state had crumbled into shards. The earthquake in Haiti had destroyed the brother's long-time home.

Haiti, rife with internal animosity, created hell. Even before it was built, this place was decaying. The air was filled with the rotten remains of life. This charred realm was filled with things that would disintegrate at the touch of a finger. There was no bark on the trees, and no sap dripped. The sky was a black abyss. A thick red haze obstructed visibility. A magnificent black palace sat along a ridged gorge. It was ornately designed, with low arches and marble columns. There were round towers and a crest-adorned gate. It's almost as grand as Versailles. Haiti spent most of his time in his palace, proud of his work, but lonely. He created demons, his new subjects, and friends.  

Ira, Haiti's younger brother, created heaven, a peaceful realm filled with love and light. Haiti was engulfed in a jealous rage. He sat in the throne room, where a stained-glass window depicted him as the sovereign of his newly born kingdom. The room was large and open, with few furnishings. Gold embellishments flourished on the roughness of the black marble wall. A red carpet surrounded his throne. It was black with red accents, just like his old one. The crest and arms of Haiti's throne are encrusted with ruby jewels. This throne was on a platform that was only a few steps away. For aesthetics, a small diamond chandelier hung from the ceiling. No light could enter his domain, and not even a dim light bulb could provide warmth. 

Haiti's head was adorned with an obsidian circlet dotted with ruby gems. It went well with his dark suit, which was made of a soft material. It was a little baggy on him to compensate for his broad chest. 

"How does my inferior brother construct a land greater than mine?" he asked the highest demon, second only to the king (Ender). In Haiti, a raging fire of hatred erupted.

"I don't know, sire," the demon shrugged, "but you, as the eldest and most formidable, should have everything great while your brother learns his lesson shadowed in your light."

"However, I am cast in Ira's shadow. He doesn't deserve his 'angles' or his 'haven' land."

Haiti shooed the demon away, resentment festering deep within him. Unlike his brother, he never stayed in touch. He debated whether to confront and diminish his brother or to remain silent. He remained silent. Haiti fantasized about blood and gore after his brother's ideas came to life. He fantasized about weakening his brother. In his reverie, a sky was painted red with the winning weapons of shadow. His brother deteriorated. The grass was to be stained with blood, each blade thickly coated in it. The river would follow, desperate to wash away the impurities. Armor fragments and unrecognizable bodies would lie to wither. He flashed a wide, gruesome grin, the kind that only a psycho would have. This daydream, however, followed by Ira creating a new domain. This is his brother's most proud creation to date, according to Haiti's demons.

"WHAT TOMFOOLERY!" Haiti slammed his fist into the arm of the throne.

"He refers to it as Earth. Many of us have flocked there to investigate. It's beautiful, but they want us to leave," Haiti's second growled.

"How does it look? Does it resemble his heaven?" Haiti's second’s launched into the list of world's wonders. The soft green grass is perfect for rolling around on and breaking a fall. Giant crumbling rock mountains loom above the beautiful blue sky, past fluffy clouds. Rivers cut their way through the ground, creating increasing turbulence. The Earth was bedecked with vast oceans teeming with wild waves and sea life. Tallgrass plains where deer can frolic and thrive alongside other species. "I'm sick of it!" He's become too prideful of his work. There was not a single thought about me! This is my breaking point—I CAN NOT GO ON LIKE THIS ANY LONGER! I WILL NOT LET MY DEMONS LEAVE HIS LAND!" Haiti's powerful words shook The throne room.

"He wants to share it with you, sire," said his second. " He simply wants us to be gone so that a new creation known as humans can thrive."

"HA, he only cares about himself. He is self-centered. These 'humans' will not survive if I have my way."

As the days grew longer and Ira's angels fought Haiti to remove his army from the planet, he refused. Haiti exploded because of the constant harassment. He ascended to heaven with black raven wings, which carried him to paradise. It was breathtaking, with thriving cities and emerald green grass. Clouds that resembled cotton candy. Ira ran into his brother amid the golden city, which was teeming with prominent angles. The term derives from the way sunlight refracts off the skyscraper, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. Haiti had troops with him, as did his brother.

Ira stood elegantly in a white suit, his curly blonde hair falling into his soft eyes. "We can discuss this, brother."

"There is nothing to discuss!" Haiti growled, clutching a black demon obsidian sword. This obsidian type burned angels from the inside out. "You are self-centered and arrogant. You have no regard for me! AFTER ALL, I AM YOUR OLDER BROTHER!"

"I do care for you," Ira said, his eyes tinged with sadness. "I tried to share my best creations with you, but you destroy them, and so I banish you back to hell. Did you forget?"

“THAT DID NOT HAPPEN! YOU LIAR!” Haiti rushed his brother after he said those words. Ira's eyes were wide, shocked at his brother's insanity. He deflected the attack by creating a bo-staff at the speed of light. "Please, Brother! Please listen," he pleaded.


"I will not listen to a haughty liar!" Haiti screamed, and both Ira and Haiti's troops charged into battle. Swords and spears met with metallic thuds. The stench of gushing blood filled the air almost instantly, now tasting of sickening iron. Bodies were strewn across the battlefield, bodies that had once been joyful and full of life now reeked of grief. Men arguing about who was righteous and who was damned drowned the screams of the angel’s leader out. Haiti loomed large above his brother, and his frown transformed into a hideous grin. It showed off his elongated teeth. Ira's legs kicked to flee, but his muscles were stiff from the shock of his brother's rage. 


"Please brother! Mother told us to stick together. We're supposed to support one another!" Ira pleaded. Haiti pursed his lips, preventing any words from escaping. Then, he opened his mouth and spoke in a low tone. “You never supported me. You’ve played all your cards wrong. It’s now my turn, my uprising. I am done sitting in my younger sibling's shadow. Now it’s time for you to suffer under me. Die under my precious hands. After all, it’s all your fault I turned out this way.” Every word was cold and methodically growled. Haiti plunged his knife into his brother's heart. In a deafening roar, they engulfed the battle zone, bringing all forces to a halt. Haiti smiled for the first time in response to his brother's screams and defeat. Others remained silent, while others clenched their teeth. One angel was restrained by her friends not to murder Haiti. Haiti licked his brother's blood off the knife, smiling sinisterly at the crowd. The residents of heaven damned Haiti and his army to hell. It irreversibly lost its equilibrium when a new angel appeared to take Ira's place.