
Werewolves are not as talked about between the demon attacks and wars. They’re getting restless. Werewolves are humans who have the power to transform into a wolf. The first werewolves came to be when a group of people drank water out of a wolf's paw print that was mixed with wolf blood. Born werewolves usually take into solitude from humans while bitten werewolves are more social. Werewolves go through their first transformation during puberty while bitten turn on a full moon. They’re trained on how to control themselves and their emotions. They can go feral when provoked. Werewolves go uncontrollable under the effects of the full moon. They don’t kill everything in sight but cause major injuries and damage. 

Most born werewolves live in packs. Pack hierarchy is that of a normal wolf pack. You have the alpha, betas, deltas, omegas, and “pups”. To become alpha, you need to be beta, murder the old alpha. They are known for being caring parents. When reproducing, they’re more likely to have twins or triplets. Hybrid werewolves are often disowned and are left to die. They adopt some bitten werewolves into the packs.

Werewolves age mortally and, along with their human weaknesses, they have canine weaknesses. Wolfsbane is a deadly plant that can be eaten or used in powder form. The wound will grow infected and inhibit the ability to turn into a wolf or back from a wolf. It kills the person slowly (in small doses. In large doses, it kills quickly) and leads to delusions.